Suspended for netlimiter

Character said:
Personaly, I think getting a title on a twink is rewarding because of it's dificulty. If your using a means of exploiting the game's intented mechanics to make it easier, then what's the challange? I've gotten the Noble title on two twinks and I took a week, before the event, getting the flight paths and caculating exp room so I could collect all items needed and get to acheivment areas in time. That was fun and when people say, "Wow you have the Noble title. Did you use a Lock" I say no, I planed it out and the're amazed.

I got the Noble title on 3 twinks, one a level 2, with no planning what so ever :3
off topic but does 7+ res on shoulders still work after 3.1?
StokesTerenas said:
off topic but does 7+ res on shoulders still work after 3.1?

If by +7 you mean +5 ones from AD, no.

On topic, I also consider this program a hack and don't approve of it. :( It wouldn't be so bad if the only thing you used it for was preventing exp, but you also can avoid mobs and gain extra speed that you shouldn't have.

*Thumbs down*
yeah, but its not hurting anyone and its nice to have a title.

Im not really for or against this.
Subpar said:
I got the Noble title on 3 twinks, one a level 2, with no planning what so ever :3

me too

Friendsummons FTW
Noble title was easy :)

as far as titles being a bragging right its just something fun to add a little flavor to your twink. Like others have said though using a 3rd party program to one is a little lame and cheating.
I remember Shoop!

I think it was last summer I ran into him in the Ally base and feared him even though he tried to LoS me. I killed him, grabbed flag and proceeded to cap.

I'm surprised they only gave u a suspension for using 3rd party. I've seen people's accounts stripped for using other 3rd party programs.
Maerduk said:
Lol if you want the silly title that badly on a twink, then re-roll and do it the legit way. I really don't understand how titles have now become the bragging rights for twinks these days, especially since most people have not done it the legit way ie using netlimiter. So, bragging about using a 3rd party program to get an essentially worthless title makes you awesome how?

just because it isnt legit doesnt mean its easier by any means
Grunge said:
yeah, but its not hurting anyone and its nice to have a title.

Im not really for or against this.

A rogue who can use sprint for 2 min instead of 15 sec is quite annoying when they are doing it by using NetLimiter.
Heró said:
just because it isnt legit...

^That's where I stopped reading, everything else after that was inconsequential.
Dude, we want to know what they did to your account besides banning you. Did they remove the achievements or ding your twink a couple of levels?
It's a hack and cheat no matter how you try to make it sound.

As for the 'title' unfortunately all you've done with your cheat is call into question anyone with it. I mean if I see someone with the Explorer title in the 19's I assume they've used a hack. So the guys that have legitimately worked to achieve something ... sorry it's the lazy gotta-find-a-loophole group that ruin it for everyone else.

IMHO a 3 day ban is not nearly long enough for that crap.
StokesTerenas said:
no, i dont mean them at all. +7 res on shoulders from Violet Eye honoured, Inscription of Endurance.

If you looked at it on wowhead you'd see in the comments that it doesn't work.
Character said:
Personaly, I think getting a title on a twink is rewarding because of it's dificulty. If your using a means of exploiting the game's intented mechanics to make it easier, then what's the challange? I've gotten the Noble title on two twinks and I took a week, before the event, getting the flight paths and caculating exp room so I could collect all items needed and get to acheivment areas in time. That was fun and when people say, "Wow you have the Noble title. Did you use a Lock" I say no, I planed it out and the're amazed.

But to get those flight paths, you used the graveyard bug? Just as a bad tbh.
Noo said:
But to get those flight paths, you used the graveyard bug? Just as a bad tbh.

He didn't say he used it, and even if he did, that's not using a 3rd Party Speedhacking Program.
no title on a twink is a challenge, its just an achievement where you can say hey, i haz epeen
It is NOT a hack.

It IS a cheat.

It does NOT make your ePeen any bigger having the spare XP to get a title.

It IS easier to use a mount without NetLimiter.

NetLimiter makes the title HARDER to get.




Exploring areas while you are lagging normally (without using NetLimiter) can get you suspended for repeated offenses if it is found you are doing it, since it technically is exploiting game mechanics to do the "impossible". This is not NetLimiter's fault, this is yours.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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