EU+US Survival Hunters = New BM

Do survival rollers give excuse for playing "lesser" fotms like arms?

Yesterday in EotS, I killed a balance, a windwalker, a combat, an affliction in row. The low health mage escaped. Then I almost killed a discipline, who appeared soon after. I let him escape, too. I took the blood elf tower alone. I haven't played arms for a while. That's a killing machine.
Do survival rollers give excuse for playing "lesser" fotms like arms?

Yesterday in EotS, I killed a balance, a windwalker, a combat, an affliction in row. The low health mage escaped. Then I almost killed a discipline, who appeared soon after. I let him escape, too. I took the blood elf tower alone. I haven't played arms for a while. That's a killing machine.

Without any healing, I doubt you killed 4 in a row then almost killed a Disc, and with a mage behind them who should have finished you off - unless they were all terribads and/or had empty gear slots.
"Savage"? topkek Stop fapping yourselves.

He's a FotM coward/bully that would be mid-pack at best on any non-OP spec. If people had any brains or integrity they wouldn't run with him or others like it.
Noco is not only a savage but he's a genius for predicting the fotm and rolling a surv months ago lol
Noco is not only a savage but he's a genius for predicting the fotm and rolling a surv months ago lol

You'd see how "savage" he is on a non-FotM. :rolleyes:

Not hard to predict Blizz, they usually make their new specs or classes OP for the first xpac at least. They want people to roll them so they can get data and feedback, and to give no-skill noobs an easy way to win. Also constant buff/nerf cycles causes rerolls and faction swaps which means longer time-in-game and more $$ for Blizz.

And "months ago"...well they were doing Legion alpha & beta over a year ago. Wow some genius for "predicting" SV, huh? lol
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took me a while to fathom were and why all the hatred to phron
and i just realized its just people from stuck at graveyard and ranodms making new accounts to backup their friends lol
Noco is not only a savage but he's a genius for predicting the fotm and rolling a surv months ago lol
Are you fuking kidding me??
Pls tell me you did not just really say that lmao

its just gotten sad how hard people are tyring to justify him rolling surv
just play bm or mm ffs

and wait did he knew it was gonna be fotm and thats why he rolled survival months ago or i dont lol what im high rn
took me a while to fathom were and why all the hatred to phron
and i just realized its just people from stuck at graveyard and ranodms making new accounts to backup their friends lol

It could also be that some who've never been in that guild and are not "ranodms making new accounts" don't want the cheating b/c it ruins the game. Pretty obvious. The same reason why Blizz has a policy that prohibits it and they do banwaves and individual bans.

If you ask cheating scums like Phron, they'll give you the circular "logic" like he's told me personally in b-net chat that he hates the bracket and those in it and is out to grief them, yet no sensible reason why if he hates 20-29s so much he should waste his time there. IOW - trying to justify sociopathic behavior.
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Meanwhile arms silently overpower ppl for 1.2k hp.
/sigh were you not breast fed as a baby or something? if any you have kids in the future sometime make sure your kids are breast fed

Is that why you turned out so pathetic? Bad advice methinks but agai
They're not cheats, you're just mad that you can't do them.

Keep crying.

Yes they are hacks as I've said in other posts, not going over it again here. I don't get "mad" about not being a scumbag. I take pride that I don't resort to it as a crutch to win, then lying about it endlessly on forums.
jumps aren't hacks, mate. they aren't messing with the games code to gain advantage like those knob heads who phase through the ground or high in the air. Jumps have been around for as long as the game has been alive, granted they probably weren't found out till much later.

Is it cheating? It varies from person to person. I'd say no because anyone can make jumps with practice, or if they have the right class.

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