Survival Hunter stats


I am sorry if it has been asked so many times but I really can't find something up to date about Hunter stats prio and especially Survival.
If it's the same as level 70, it should be like this as far as I know :

Agility >
Haste >
Critical Strike >
Versatility >

Second question,
I deleted a survival hunter twink with this epic procced item : (But for lvl 20)

How fucked am I ?
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You have to take into account that lvl 70 has many more talents and thus abilities that lvl 20 does not have, so the stat prio may be different.

Your aim as a lvl 20 SV Hunter is to hit as hard as possible with your Raptor Strike ability that your Raptor Strikes generate gravitational waves that will resonate through whole observable Azeroth.

To achieve that try something like this: Agi > Mastery > Crit > Haste / Versa

Epic Tarren Mill belt with 2 slots is BIS for SV/MM/BM Hunter :slight_smile:

Also go check other ppl armory here for some inspiration.
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My personal preference is Ag > Mastery = Haste > Crit > Vers.

I rate Haste highly for all Hunter specs. Crit is strong for Hunter, but for PvP (hopefully we get it back soon) Haste helps with rotation.

But honestly, Surv is so strong you will do alright with almost any stat combo.

Enjoy the #hunterlife
As has already been stated most addons/stat priority guides are being created from the perspective of max-level characters that will be taking on endgame content in accordance with the full range of class/spec abilities that would be available at that point in progression. At level 20 surv is essentially spamming raptor strike, hitting kill shot on cool down, and wildfire bomb/harpoon depending on your PvE/PvP preferences at any given moment. I have also been following Agi > Mastery > Crit > Haste / Versa when gearing my toon, and I generally find Vers to be the worst secondary stat for surv given how hard you will be hitting in dungeons once fully geared and the inherently unbalanced nature of 20 vs 29 PvP at the moment. Some people may differ on how helpful the focus regen that is provided by haste can prove for your toon but at the end of the day, all roads lead to the same destination of you spamming raptor strike, the magnitude of which will be largely dependent upon your Agility, Mastery, and Crit.
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The belt is pretty important, but not as important as chest

If full F2P consider rerolling. If vet you can sub, restore item and try refund.
You can try raidbots sim for 20 sv, but consider it is very rough. Atm i can compare values mostly at 2 big dummies (rabbit and moonfang) and none of them is really close to raidbots (clear enough for wolf, you move a lot, but bunny?).
Try and achieve benchmarks with your secondaries rather then following a this > that > other format. I got my Haste to 20% on my surv. Then farmed pieces with Vers. I might be putting too much value into Haste getting it to 20%. I can get 20% haste 20% crit easily. I'll link my char, but it's lvl 29. All pieces can be obtained at lvl 20.

The Tauren belt would be a game changer for me, having that extra slot is what twinking is all about. Can you restore the toon/item successfully or is it gone from the item cache? I've been experiencing weird bugs with the items cache lately >.<
The belt is pretty important, but not as important as chest

If full F2P consider rerolling. If vet you can sub, restore item and try refund.
Oh man i would have gladly re-roll , but after 10 days of playtime, so many crafted items from professions, unique pets, full warfoged gear...
I'm afraid trying to hit the Tarren Mill belt proc does not worth it now... it also took me like 10 characters until it procced :S
More than 90 days have passed and im afraid the old character is not restorable anymore :D
Just wanted to know how important that item is... seems like it really is !

By the way, what kind of chest you refer to?

As has already been stated most addons/stat priority guides are being created from the perspective of max-level characters that will be taking on endgame content in accordance with the full range of class/spec abilities that would be available at that point in progression. At level 20 surv is essentially spamming raptor strike, hitting kill shot on cool down, and wildfire bomb/harpoon depending on your PvE/PvP preferences at any given moment. I have also been following Agi > Mastery > Crit > Haste / Versa when gearing my toon, and I generally find Vers to be the worst secondary stat for surv given how hard you will be hitting in dungeons once fully geared and the inherently unbalanced nature of 20 vs 29 PvP at the moment. Some people may differ on how helpful the focus regen that is provided by haste can prove for your toon but at the end of the day, all roads lead to the same destination of you spamming raptor strike, the magnitude of which will be largely dependent upon your Agility, Mastery, and Crit.
Thank you for the very detailed comment ! appreciated !

Try and achieve benchmarks with your secondaries rather then following a this > that > other format. I got my Haste to 20% on my surv. Then farmed pieces with Vers. Rest after that is moot to me. I might be putting too much value into Haste getting it to 20%. I can get 20% haste 20% crit easily. I'll link my char, but it's lvl 29. All pieces can be obtained at lvl 20.

The Tauren belt would be a game changer for me, having that extra slot is what twinking is all about. Can you restore the toon/item successfully or is it gone from the item cache? I've been experiencing weird bugs with the items cache lately >.<

I understand, Thanks
And unfortanetly the toon is not restorable anymore, and more than 90 days have passed :<
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