EU+US Survival Huntards RLZ

Ask "Badpack" or "Nasuada" .... Im slicing them like chicken. For years....

Nasuada is leaving the battlefield when we kill him/her. She/He dont have any chance when Im im
If you're talking about badpak-stormrage, he's garbage and not the real badpak and nasuada always /afk's when he's losing vs anyone + he farms lvlers like you so you're not much different from each other.
I honestly find Arms Warriors a bit more a pain to deal with, in all fairness.

But yeah, Surv is full on FOTM and mindless. I'll stick to BM on my hunter, simply as it's just what I prefer and honestly do fine with it. That, and I have no interest in playing a melee hunter. I thought it was silly when they did that with hunters when they first introduced them in beta (Though not as silly as how Disc priest's were..), and I still do! :)

To clarify, my main is a rogue. I also play Enhance Shaman, Fury Warrior, BM Hunter (As mentioned, duh!), Ret Paladin, and am working on a resto Druid.
Ask "Badpack" or "Nasuada" .... Im slicing them like chicken. For years....

Nasuada is leaving the battlefield when we kill him/her. She/He dont have any chance when Im im
When I read chicken I thought you said children lol

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