Summer Real ID Premade Nights!

Bump for alliance! Still need druid (FC if anything), Priests, Shaman and Warrior. But feel free to sign up anyways if you are not any of the classes mentioned before.

RiD is if you did not see in the main post. Thanks!
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bump for competitive premades
Need all sign ups still! I'm hoping for 2 alliance groups this week! :)
Sounds like a lot of fun HB! It'll be fun to have a bunch of skilled players duking it out. I'll be around so I'll see you then!
I almost have 1 full alliance team, I just need 2 priests, a druid and a warrior. (Druid or warrior of which that NEEDS to be an FC)
Due to lack of signups for this week, the game for the 23rd will be postponed to the following Saturday on the 30th! Please spread to word for sign ups both horde and alliance! Bump
they are do able! We tried them over here, i heard on Bleeding Hollow few people have tried it out, but 5v5 wargames is just not the focus of this thread :( But a great idea ! Would be cool if someone put together 5v5 teams!
Due to lack of interest, there will be no more games. Sorry for those who are signed up, but i hope you enjoyed the games you participated in! May jump start this thread in the future, but for now it is closed!

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