Sub/Sub Rogues counter Hpal/Druid. Roll your rogue naoooo.

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I was butchering them. I'm Subtlety > Subterfuge > Sword. I've been able to solo kill druids in doors. Paladins require 1-2 more players but I can keep them at 50% solo and it takes them a while to kill me because they're too busy healing.

Double Ambush>Hemo>Eviscerate>Hemo+Eviscerate Spam

Before you post your "blahblahblahblah". I've been doing this all morning, so all negative comments will pretty much be ignored because I know for a fact this IS VIABLE so don't bother unless you want to learn random facts about sea life.


Rogue is very much not nerfed. If you're whining about it then you were spoiled and you're bad at the class.
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Bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, are among the largest and fastest marine fish. An adult may weigh 1,500 pounds and swim up to 55 miles per hour. Prized as sushi in Japan, bluefins are also among the most valuable fish: individual bluefins can bring as much as $20,000 at U.S. docks.
Nerfed or not, I think the lack of ability at 20 for Rogues is dumb. This might be a good thing though, because it's now a class based on positioning and timing, and not staring at your action bar.
looks like you died a whole bunch of times.

After I returned the second flag they just started focusing me every time I'd get on the FC. Smart move on there part because I got Randome down to 20% at least 3 times before she made it past mid.

Also, if you type "FLEEE!!!!! >.<" in BG chat every time you return a flag it's almost like having sprint.
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i wanna know how you stay on a druid longer than the initial ambush

Crippling Poisoning and I always back strafe ahead of wherever they're going so that the druid's like, facing me. You have to anticipate their movements. If I feel like they're about to get ahead of me I just run a little further ahead of them.

Usually they don't even know what hit them and don't even react until I eviscerate and after that they don't even run because they're healing after I just dropped them to 35% health in like, 4 gcd's. Keep in mind all the newbs that faceroll classes switched from hunter to Hpal/Druid, So they're still equally bad players, they're just more ridiculously OP.

When I was first testing the spec I didn't even know if I could get a double ambush off without the prick turning around but I do, every time.
Lol. Sorry I play objectively, I'm going to take a shot at the flag carrier even if it means dying. Everything I do in the game is to win the match. Not have top Damage/Kills/Returns and least deaths.
I'm not showing off scores here people, I'm trying inform my bracket that rogue is a viable counter against the classes that are breaking our bracket.
If contributing to my team makes me bad then so be it :)

You didnt get my sarcasm, and now I feel bad :(
that's cool, i play objectives too. but i generally have more kills than deaths as a rogue.

That was fine pre-patch but now we can be killed in 2-3 GCD's. Not to mention I don't "play it safe". If you see a rogue sit there in stealth and watch you die It's not me, I always have my team mates backs.

Also, No sprint, no gouge. Rogues have less survivability than warriors now.
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i wanna know how you stay on a druid longer than the initial ambush

Druid aint rocking powershift macro.

BTW, druids arnt that OP. They dont hit as hard as they did in cata,and cast times arnt any faster, besides the moonkin form where we take less damage. Unless your counting self heals in which everyone with some sort of self heal is OP. My 2cents.

But grats on figuring out a system that works well for you and hopefully other rogues.
Druid aint rocking powershift macro.

BTW, druids arnt that OP. They dont hit as hard as they did in cata,and cast times arnt any faster, besides the moonkin form where we take less damage. Unless your counting self heals in which everyone with some sort of self heal is OP. My 2cents.

But grats on figuring out a system that works well for you and hopefully other rogues.

whaa? at least in my experience (one night of play) my balance druid is alot more powerful. I'd say 50% more dmg and 100% more healing vs prepatch.

At that new movement form - the elk - is terrible.
noo... how do you kill druid? all they have to do is spam rejev and out heal the double ambush and hemo evis. Rogue IS a nerf because you lose gouge sprint and SS. we might do more dmg but so what? useless since healers are op
noo... how do you kill druid? all they have to do is spam rejev and out heal the double ambush and hemo evis. Rogue IS a nerf because you lose gouge sprint and SS. we might do more dmg but so what? useless since healers are op

If you can't kill a druid on your rogue then you aren't doing it right. Solo kill indoors, always. Need 1-2 players to kill outdoors just like pally.

Just sayin'. I'm not trying to convince people to go rogue for no reason, what would I accomplish by doing that? From what I've seen/done, it works.
If you can't kill a druid on your rogue then you aren't doing it right. Solo kill indoors, always. Need 1-2 players to kill outdoors just like pally.

Just sayin'. I'm not trying to convince people to go rogue for no reason, what would I accomplish by doing that? From what I've seen/done, it works.
well why would a druid be indoors in wsg or ab? even if they were indoors, they should run out. if they dont run out, they arent playing it right. And double ambush isnt very stable. As a druid, i can basically turn in circle with my mouse while spamming rejev until you come out of the stealth after one ambush (3 secs) GG, that means only one ambush. If the druid doesnt do that, they arent playing it right. Rogue is nerfed.
well why would a druid be indoors in wsg or ab? even if they were indoors, they should run out. if they dont run out, they arent playing it right. And double ambush isnt very stable. As a druid, i can basically turn in circle with my mouse while spamming rejev until you come out of the stealth after one ambush (3 secs) GG, that means only one ambush. If the druid doesnt do that, they arent playing it right. Rogue is nerfed.

Ask the druids I keep killing why they stay indoors and are so bad. Just don't hate on rogues because you don't know how to play the class anymore lol. Everyone keeps coming up with hypothetical ways good druids are unkillable without realizing that 90% of the druids are bad.
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