Story time


<Story time>
Be me
Be a feral druid, alliance
Enter a wsg, 2-0 horde lead, 15 min left
Horde has 3 rogues, a 24 spriest, a hpally with about 2khealth, and 5 other derps
# yeahoneofthosegames
Our team is derpin in mid
Me: fuck it, playing D

Their hpally fem blood elf enters FR. Acting real cocky.
We shall call him or her Elsa
Elsa doesn't know what hit her.
After one savage roar and a 5 pt. rip later, shes dead.
Hordies are coming in FR one at a time, big mistake.
All of them meet the same fate.

By this time I have 4 returns.
Some of my team notices and plays D with me.
2 rogues and a hunter, solid D team.
# givethemtheD

Horde starts focusing on our FR now.
We are fending them off as best as we can.
Meanwhile a resto druid on our team is going to attempting to sneak flag across mid.
Horde is too busy trying to get flag out of our fr to notice.

Lets call our druid 'Drood the Dude'.
Because we can.

Our D just killed an efc trying to run ramp.
Elsa picks up as soon as flag is returned and runs tunn.
shes going for boots.
Drood the Dude is almost at the base.
# oh, it's on

I run after her while the hunter and rogues go to intercept at tunnel entrance from the outside.
I reach efc just as she picks up boots.
She looked like shes about to make it to her team outside but she suddenly started running in place inside tunn.
Elsa's game is Frozen.
The on-the-ball D team meets up from the other end of the tunn.
We wreck Elsa up.
Drood the Dude caps the flag.
Score 2-1, Horde lead still.

Tables are turning...

Horde starts playing smaht, grouping before running into FR.
Their spriest is blowin shit up, their rogues ambushing us, nothing good .
Our D team in FR is dead.
Our D has shriveled up.
They finally get flag out of FR, Elsa as the FC again, this time with a group.

Jaja prot pally is our FC, 1.6k health
Oh God...
We shall name him Jajabinks.

Both teams have grouped around their FCs in mid.
3 mins left.
Game deciding battle about to ensue.
Tension's high.
Shit is about to get real.

Jajabinks is running straight for Horde group.
# wtfareyoudoing
No choice but to follow our brave leader.

Spriest starts going HAM on our FC.
Drood the Dude is keeping him up.

Rogues and I start letting it go on Elsa.
I put 5 pt rip on Elsa and leave rogues to the rest of it.
2 horde rogues have opened on FC.
Hes really taking damage now.
Drood the Dude cant keep him up.
I'm running to FC now, travel form activated, FC at 20%.

Reach Jajabinks just as he dies.
I get pickup mid run without stopping.
Their rogues are just standing there, I'm guessing baffled.
Our rogues have done their work, Elsa is dead, flag is returned

One minute left.

I run ahead of group and speed pot, no time.
Heart is thumping.
Team is cleaning up mid and cheering in chat.
victory is in sight.

I am in the middle part of the tunnel when speed pot runs out of time.
Thankfully, boots are up.

boots mysteriously disappear.........

Rogue opens on me with boots of speed.
Cant outrun.
We shall call him Rogue Vadar.

I start to fight back.
Health is getting dangerously low, 30%.
Rogue Vadar is at 50%.
I'm so dead.

Jajabinks comes out of no where with speed of light.
Rogue kills me with a 900 crit eviscerate right as Jaja stuns the rogue.
Flag is just standing there now.
Rogue Vadar's trink must be on CD because hes not using it.
It takes 3 seconds for Jajabinks to realize the flag is there.
Jajabinks has picked up the flag.

30 seconds left.

Jajabinks and Rogue Vadar start going at it.
Jaja looks like he has no idea what he is doing, keyboard turning and back peddling.
Rogue Vadar is getting him down to 50% health, all the while staying behind him so he cant use Avengers shield.
# smartrogue

Jajabinks finally gets a hit with avengers shield.
Helluva lucky crit, kills Rogue Vadar.

Jaja starts running up tunn
He is still slowed by Vadar's poison
He has not figured out how to use cleanse yet.
Run Goddammit.

10 seconds.

Jajabinks has taken a turn into the FR, cant see from where my corpse is
Heart is hammering in my chest

Jajabinks has captured the flag
final score is 2-2, alliance capped last and won by default.

Pandemonium in chat

Sorry for the long read and thanks for reading. And Thank you to all the players in that game that made what it was even if I don't remember your name. especially Elsa, the D team, Drood the Dude, Rogue Vadar, and last and not least, Jajabinks. GG

-Calc, a.k.a. Exponent
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Three and a half stars; extra credit for keeping the Frozen references solid throughout, minor points lost for appearing not to know that jaja is pronounced "haha" :)
Going to give an extra half star for a 4/5, I enjoyed the read and was glued to the screen with suspense till the end
ah yes. I do know that "j"s are "h"s in Spanish. I just thought I would spin off the term jaja so it would sounds like a certain clumsy star wars character.
Nice story, don't mean to jack your thread but folks i got a bedtime story too, and since this one involved brs mine will too. Im gonna name it


As most of you very well know ( if it isn't obvious) I have a stupid obsession with taking screenshots(which stems from another mmo where it kinda made sense and everyone did it and posted on each other). I hope these are the last screenshots I ever post on this forum.

But anyways I tend to take screenshots of anything funny, stupid, weird, ..mostly scoreboards though.

Then one day...totally random out of the blue I got this. When I mean totally out of the completely random, I only saw this Herci character in 2 previous battlegrounds. But anways....

I think it was because I saved her by using Leap of Faith and pw shield on her and was playing a blood elf or something.


And I was like....oh this is awkward...what the heck ....fine lets do it. She id LoH me in a previous game so in my evil American calculating mind I was like...well I can use a healer,since in that bracket almost no one plays them and no one else is gonna pocket a scrub spec like shadow priest, this lessens my chances of getting bent over by rogues and hunters.

now the BR is on my realid....lets just say it was a different experience compared to the people I usually play with. We even did arenas with no communication just spontaneous stuff targeting random people, got her to 1550. The biggest problem was communication like she'd say something in Spanish or greet me every time I logged on and I had to google translate.....

Also to hang out on the quel- thalas realm while I had a general idea what brs do its RP hell

BRs use a whole different mindset....I guess they try? to take the game more seriously?

then everytime I would log on and (she?) I presume would always say jaja and hola ..then I had to reply. Also I was spammed by jaja.


tl;dr I wish I could read what South American/Latin players have on their minds . Wish they could press them 2-3 buttons and have better situational awareness too :(
Nice story, don't mean to jack your thread but folks i got a bedtime story too, and since this one involved brs mine will too. Im gonna name it :(

I have no problem with other people posting a story. the more the merrier.
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Lemme give u a help there ( <BR):

Brazilians tend to treat the games they play very seriously, but not in a competitive way. We're the pinacle of the "e-peen syndrome" on the internets. If the game has a voice chat, most brazilians WILL use it to call someone trash, garbage, etc etc.

Truth be told, with the crap i see daily coming from my fellow countrysmen, i think we kinda deserve the fame we have.

Of course, it's not 100% truth, there will be exceptions, but here in Brazil, the "smartass/lazyass/ do it smarter and do not work for it at all, the Brazilian way" is something too disseminated to simply expunge from people.

Nice story, don't mean to jack your thread but folks i got a bedtime story too, and since this one involved brs mine will too. Im gonna name it


As most of you very well know ( if it isn't obvious) I have a stupid obsession with taking screenshots(which stems from another mmo where it kinda made sense and everyone did it and posted on each other). I hope these are the last screenshots I ever post on this forum.

But anyways I tend to take screenshots of anything funny, stupid, weird, ..mostly scoreboards though.

Then one day...totally random out of the blue I got this. When I mean totally out of the completely random, I only saw this Herci character in 2 previous battlegrounds. But anways....

I think it was because I saved her by using Leap of Faith and pw shield on her and was playing a blood elf or something.


And I was like....oh this is awkward...what the heck ....fine lets do it. She id LoH me in a previous game so in my evil American calculating mind I was like...well I can use a healer,since in that bracket almost no one plays them and no one else is gonna pocket a scrub spec like shadow priest, this lessens my chances of getting bent over by rogues and hunters.

now the BR is on my realid....lets just say it was a different experience compared to the people I usually play with. We even did arenas with no communication just spontaneous stuff targeting random people, got her to 1550. The biggest problem was communication like she'd say something in Spanish or greet me every time I logged on and I had to google translate.....

Also to hang out on the quel- thalas realm while I had a general idea what brs do its RP hell

BRs use a whole different mindset....I guess they try? to take the game more seriously?

then everytime I would log on and (she?) I presume would always say jaja and hola ..then I had to reply. Also I was spammed by jaja.


tl;dr I wish I could read what South American/Latin players have on their minds . Wish they could press them 2-3 buttons and have better situational awareness too :(

I thought this story was going to end up in a much different place than it did.

I kind of imagined a love story with the language barrier as the challenge to overcome and making the relationship that much sweeter to cherish.

I was wrong. So very wrong.
So I bust out laughing today in the middle of class when I'm discussing with my friend (he's a wow player). He infers there should be a farting sound every time a person Crits over a certain amount based on level. In f2p conditions, over 1k. Dem hoes be gassin up our bgs + dungeons. Raids for endgame would be toxic
Nice story :) !

Happened the same like 4 days ago , i was the druid , and i joined the battle not in 2-0 , but in 0-0 , i started defending alone , the bg was full of Jajas , alli and horde but at least alli had some 24... , I killed like 4-5 times the efc and the game was at 13 min or something... , then 2 alli hunters and a prot pally came , i kiled a druid really fast , because i could cast savage roar even if i was stealth (You just need to mange/rake/shred a target and its a combo ) , so savage roa , rake mangle thunderstomp mangle , tigs fury mangle dead , then they killed me : / ! They capped , we were getting farmed , some 1 left and finaly i got a rogue deffending with me... the game was at min 4-5 , it was ending...Alli was farming us... So they werent focused at killing efc , i thought that and let the rogue alone in deffend , i went for flag , i picked it and there was a hunter in teh base , (Cheers to him for not farming) , he could have killed me because he was stealthed (Nelf) and he was geared , but thanks to my Poison Extraction Totem + Wild charge i managed to escape , ... but that wasnt for long , he used the posthaste thingy(disengage) and got near me... , i was at 700 HP... , he used Explosive shot on me , then i poped all my cds , haste (herb) + Agm + WSG Flag +SWIFTNESS POTION (Thank god i farmed for it , i had like 100 of them lol) , Then i capped :) , Directly when i capped there were still 2 mins remaining , so a hunter came with the 24s and got the flag , i was waiting at the middle for him with 30% buff , he was getting crazy heals and he was going to cap , the rogue came to be because i was yellling to him lol , i told him to sap heals , so he did ... then when heals was sapped he ambused efc , Now healer trinked and healed efc to full , i was doing my thing , as a feral , rake savage roar , rake mangle shred , tigers fury , shred rake , wait for like 2 seconds so the energy goes to 50(If the energy is 50%+ Ferocious ite Doubles its damage) , And i critted for like 1700 on efc , inta kill :) !
Was the coolest bg ! I can say it made my day ^-^ !

Psst : F E R A L... PAWNS MAN !
Not 100% sure, but am I Rogue Vadar? This sounds like the game I joined in late and you were the FC, and I definitely dropped you and got HoJ'd on the pick-up. And also subsequently one shot by said paladin. If this is that game - our team wasn't even playing like a team at the end. The 24 spriest would play objectively and people would just rotate around him like they were moths attracted to his "skill."
Not 100% sure, but am I Rogue Vadar? This sounds like the game I joined in late and you were the FC, and I definitely dropped you and got HoJ'd on the pick-up. And also subsequently one shot by said paladin. If this is that game - our team wasn't even playing like a team at the end. The 24 spriest would play objectively and people would just rotate around him like they were moths attracted to his "skill."

And here I thought bugs flew to light not darkness.
I love stories like this. Sometimes derpiness on one or both teams can lead to some rare, heart-pounding events that are just outstanding fun.

Also Upswag, I'll have to refer to you as Rogue Vadar when I run into you from time to time.
And here I thought bugs flew to light not darkness.

All shadow priests are God's children and they shine forth with his/her magical light. It's like that with hunters too.
Not 100% sure, but am I Rogue Vadar? This sounds like the game I joined in late and you were the FC, and I definitely dropped you and got HoJ'd on the pick-up. And also subsequently one shot by said paladin. If this is that game - our team wasn't even playing like a team at the end. The 24 spriest would play objectively and people would just rotate around him like they were moths attracted to his "skill."

I'm not sure who the rogue was but it was a good rogue

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