Story time

<storytime> Mind Control is useless

once a pond of time, prot warrs were OP due to 1k crit shield slams
pretty gey at the time before nerf
so naturally everyones rerolling to warrs before blizz fixes
# warrs are all the rage

anyway on with the tale

be me
alliance disc priest w/ mind control
enter a wsg in progress
stalemate game, score 0-0, 7 stacks
literally entire team is on Defense on roof

as soon as I enter the bg some lil shit calls me out on my talent choice
"lol this fucking nub priest picked MC"
other players pick up on the hazing
"GTFO scrub l2p"
"LOL u dumass MC is worst"
"useless talent"
yeah, that kind of crap

Kinda frustrated atm
be in my shoes
hate being called out, hate dumbass games of dumbassery

decide to go offensive
initiate solo operation

try to bypass mid
mass warrs rofl stomp my ass in mid
frustration intensifies

finally get past mid
run into horde tunn

stacks are now at 10

EFC is a 24 spriest in the flag room
accompanied by a geared resto druid and a 24 prot warr
why was the prot warr not fcing?
no one knows
no one knows....

I am running up tunnel
spriest is waiting behind the wall to give anyone the jump if they were running up tunn into the flag room
spriest blows mind blast on me
75% health gone
wow wtf

I line of sight him in the junction between roof ramp and tunn to heal
spriest runs after me to get another clear shot

I cant out dps this guy even if he was alone, too much spike dmg
do the only thing i can think to do at the time
Mind control the sucker

spriest is now in front of me in tunn while i still have los from his team efr
I cast mind control and he casts mind blast
blast takes 90% of my health this time

spriest in under my control
24 warr and resto druid have taken the turn into tunn
24 warr, as any smart warr would do, charges and smashes the first thing he sees
unfortunately it was the poor 24 spriest


flag is sitting right in front of me with 24 warr trying to comprehend what just happened
I get return
alliance has captured the flag


# mind control is useless
<storytime> Mind Control is useless

once a pond of time, prot warrs were OP due to 1k crit shield slams
pretty gey at the time before nerf
so naturally everyones rerolling to warrs before blizz fixes
# warrs are all the rage

anyway on with the tale

be me
alliance disc priest w/ mind control
enter a wsg in progress
stalemate game, score 0-0, 7 stacks
literally entire team is on Defense on roof

as soon as I enter the bg some lil shit calls me out on my talent choice
"lol this fucking nub priest picked MC"
other players pick up on the hazing
"GTFO scrub l2p"
"LOL u dumass MC is worst"
"useless talent"
yeah, that kind of crap

Kinda frustrated atm
be in my shoes
hate being called out, hate dumbass games of dumbassery

decide to go offensive
initiate solo operation

try to bypass mid
mass warrs rofl stomp my ass in mid
frustration intensifies

finally get past mid
run into horde tunn

stacks are now at 10

EFC is a 24 spriest in the flag room
accompanied by a geared resto druid and a 24 prot warr
why was the prot warr not fcing?
no one knows
no one knows....

I am running up tunnel
spriest is waiting behind the wall to give anyone the jump if they were running up tunn into the flag room
spriest blows mind blast on me
75% health gone
wow wtf

I line of sight him in the junction between roof ramp and tunn to heal
spriest runs after me to get another clear shot

I cant out dps this guy even if he was alone, too much spike dmg
do the only thing i can think to do at the time
Mind control the sucker

spriest is now in front of me in tunn while i still have los from his team efr
I cast mind control and he casts mind blast
blast takes 90% of my health this time

spriest in under my control
24 warr and resto druid have taken the turn into tunn
24 warr, as any smart warr would do, charges and smashes the first thing he sees
unfortunately it was the poor 24 spriest


flag is sitting right in front of me with 24 warr trying to comprehend what just happened
I get return
alliance has captured the flag


# mind control is useless

Good read, that prot warrior needs to learn who to target ^-^
Also heres 3 more stories, all these are like 5.1-5.4

Story 1

-WSG 5 alliance 24s, lightbringer premade, assorted hunters, etc. Horde is an average team. Losing, so no other choice but to go out and start punishing hunters and 24s.

-So we are in the process of trying to ''contain'' zarastele in mid/gy , of course it aint easy he (or she?) is p2p 4k+ HP qued with 4 other 24s and we are rocking a f2p set but its no problemo my homie is a hutner plus we calling out CC/targets.Game over we lost, gg, requeue.

-Next game there is duopaladin +3 of his goons and she zones into the game aswell( maybe qued with duopaladin, no idea tho) .

-IInstantly emotes and calls me out. Tries to get report me and my homie afk. Half of duopaladin's crew is spanish so they have no idea whats going on. But im farming and she isnt.

-A simple play of words and a mention that she aint farming and BAM! she gets afk reported by his crew instead of my goons

Story 2

-Back when i was multiboxing, (not that using 4 hunters isnt scum). A premade from a certain server consisting of 3-4 players shows up. And a 24 from some random server.

-Somehow they get into a heated discussion 20vs24, 24s are pussy, etc. They draw me in...and im like...''so do you want me to insta kick the 24 or what I can make him instantly leave''. But then they instead change sides and try to kick me because multiboxing. Didnt work i had 5 toons under my control though..ended up afking like 2 of their crew. Its like ...sigh make up your mind do you want f2ps 24s or what...

Story 3

-Playing AB. Some random priest keeps constantly trying to mind control me or my homie (and succeeding) whos playing a huntard. And a certain mage(wont mention names) is trying to constantly show off,. instead of the enemy players, always goes for my hunter when hes MC'd. Blowing, cooldowns at him and all. Or if im MC'd always counterspells me. Thats fine i can heal through that. but then an unlucky crit and the huntard dies and we lose a node.

-I dont usually stop healing, but that just pissed me off all of the sudden, i lost my vibe so i let go off the retarded flash of light for a second.

Moments later. '' Pally can you heal?''
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Also heres 3 more stories, all these are like 5.1-5.4

Story 1

-WSG 5 alliance 24s?'

Here is a cool story.
If there if 10 people on a team and half of that team is subscribers and the opposing team is always "over half" 24's. Then why is this the "trial bracket"? Note, these are not my quotes. Just observations that I read on a daily basis in this subforum.
He played the class that MCs.

I failed to throw a few "likes" in my "story". My mistake. And a couple "so"s and a "but, yeah" or two. And I did not brag about my in game deeds nor did I make fun of anyone in the process. Or did I? Thus, the story I wrote is not quite as colorful as his. For this, I am truly sorry. (Actually, I am not sorry for using proper language skill)
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ok mr 1550 rated in 5's who has been playing wow for nearly 7 years

i don't own a character that's ever played 5s. No idea who you're talking about.
I once 1v2'd a 24nelf hunter and a f2p nelf rogue, on my f2p glasscannon lock.. I lol'd a bit irl
So there i was in a bg filled with nelf/human huntards, nothing new, tgey were gy farming,go figure, so anyways theres this one night elf hunter that really annoyed me throughout the game, within the last 1min of the game i sneak up on her (i was rogue) hit her hard with ambush, shes half hp, i quickly pop evasion because i was up against 3 hunters and a paladin. She attempts on escaping with posthaste but i reapplyed my crip poison with Revealing Strike (combat rogue) she trinks the 2nd crip poison. She couldnt kill me due to evasion, same for the other 3, then she smelds after i attack her once more, at 5combo points i eviscerate her killing her with a crit. Eventually my evasion wore off right when she died, she had the chance to /spit me right before i made her look like a fool in front of the other 3 enemy players. And then the bg ended

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<moar story time>
Be one buetifal morning
the sun is shining
the birds singing
great day to go outside
better play some wow

be me, smokin hot female dreanei priest
be back in MoP, when mind control was the shit
rolling holy priest for all the kek
log in on dk exploited mount
all f2ps be 'mirin

que up some arathi
bitch, i love arathi
que pops instantly cause this ain't WoD
enter starting zone with team
it's my time to shine
take off all cloths for hidden dreanei racial
>stuns all players that look at you while naked<
little does anyone know, i'm a guy irl
lul fegs
game starts and leave all of team behind because of racial stun
/bg sorry not sorry lewl

some jaja and i go mill
half of horde team at mill
all stunned by my naked draenei beauty
mind control each of them off cliff
jaja gets pissy at me cause he can't hoj anything while they are MCed
gives jaja my death glare
/s bitch i kill things faster than you without even casting a smite
MC him off the edge too, idgaf

all scrubs on horde leave
pointless to lay seige to my hold on Lum-Bar-Hill
now i gloat over the bodies of my enemies
"who will stand against me?"
"who is strong enough to resist my grasp?"
"who can---"
*Isaac apears on BG targets*
*start sweating*
all of my wat.
Isaac enters the horde team on his glorious wooly mammoth
goes straight to LM
accompanied by five neeked bloodelf ladies basking in his glory
they basic

i start shaking
Isaac arrives at mill
gives me death glare that says "you in my house now"
im quaking in fear
we engage in glorious combat
all fights that involve Isaac are glorious
he out maneuvers my every move
chastice like you wont believe
he casts the final MC to end me.
he gets in close and whispers in my ear:
"long live the king, kek".
pushes me off the cliff.
i fall down in slow motion looking up.
all i see is Isaac keking.
tears in my eyes

finally hit the ground causing my computer to explode
house explodes soon after
barely escaped with my life.

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