Story behind the name

suppose ur one of those people that only listen to broken microwaves.

Sorry, don't have enough soil in my pockets to actually like that glam rock lalalala singing.
Seriously - did you take a look at those guys? They need a whole barrel of lube... per week.

The only ones allowed to be that gay are Manowar.

Anyway... far too much offtopic.

Back to topic:
Dralafi, my holydin got her name from one of my favourite TV-Shows off all time - Babylon 5. Drala Fi is Minbari for "black star" and that's why I made a completely black Draenai.
"Spiriel" is the name of a character from shining force 3 for the sega Saturn. One of the best games and series of all times. Its my usual char name for females and its rare enough to not be always taken.

In's gay.
I named my character Grants as a shout-out to one of my favorite games of all time, Phantasy Star Online. In PSO, "Grants" was the name of the only light-based technique the caster classes could learn, so I thought it was a rather fitting name for a holy paladin.
Galishank was my first f2p toon, partially named after Galivance, my lv 85 prot warrior. Omegå translates into end, which was what happened to many in cata. Goliath's namesake is from the biblical story. Funsize was actually made before the movie funsize came out; I thought it'd be cool to have a little package of awesome.

Render by far has the deepest meaning behind it. It's a tribute to the move rend, a warrior bleed, which I believe has been removed from the game.
Read somewhere that Herneith was the name of an egyptian queen who died alone and
was buried with her pet (a dog) at Saqqara... my main always died alone, with her pet,
so i decided to take the reference and name my twink after that.. I still die a lot x)
Hey folks,

some people choose strange/ funny names for their charakters or in this forum. What's the reason behind this?
I bet there are some hilarious stories out there, just waiting to be told. ;)

I use my name for my characters and i add to them something that the class is connected to. For example Paladin ( Arber + Light ) or ( Arberian + Holy ). Or i rarely create them with a name like this for example Warlock ( Demonmaster ) . I use my name for the characters :p

-- Of course there are exceptions--
Well at least I don´t make up some crazzzy stuff in Scrabble.
"Hey Alphasky gives like 57 points! Thats totally a word..totally..
Thats so cool I definitely should name some fat chick after it."

LOL how did you know i was a fat chick in RL ?
Oldspike is named after a running course that I really like, I had only just got back from running it one day when I needed a name for my new warrior. (So the name is actually not derivative of the deodorant brand)

Pumpaction was named after, well, a pump action shotgun, the day I named him I was operating a trap machine for my brother.

And Arcsane is pretty easy, he is the combination of the words Arcane and Insane.

And Sevenslacks7 would be a story I would like to tell, but is NSFW.
As I said earlier Snack (my TI name, and name of many of my tinks) is because I was having the munchies.....

I also play under the name Law which is a cool character from the mangaserie One Piece
There's this famous novel by Jack London "White Fang." Well in German the name is "Wolfsblut" which means Wolfblood, so there ya go.

White Fang is written from the viewpoint of the titular canine character, enabling London to explore how animals view their world and how they view humans. White Fang examines the violent world of wild animals and the equally violent world of humans. The book also explores complex themes including morality and redemption.

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