Stockades rare drops?


Just wondering if anyone else has ran into this recently.

For some reason it seems the drop rate on rare items may have been increased in the Stormwind Stockades (particularly the starting mobs)

Here is what has dropped for me so far.

Thorbias Gauntlets x2 (1st time I didnt SS because it seemed random)
View attachment 2049

Gargoyles Bite:
View attachment 2050

Feet of the Lynx:
View attachment 2051

All of them where on different alts and pretty spaced out.
In the course of about 9 Stockade runs, 4 pretty rare items dropped, I dont know what the % chance of that happening is but it seems pretty slim.

So just wondering if anyone else has recently seen any rare drops drop in the Stockades, because if so it may be worth farming.


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Everyone seems to think Boes get raised just because of the luck you get. Its based on rng,You could get 10 boes in one run and the next 100 runs, get nothing. Threads Like this are everywhere, assuming things and giving false hope. Chest farming is the way to go :D
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I had feet of the lynx drop in there on my hunter while getting my standard issues, only ran it like 5 times I think.
Everyone seems to think Boes get raised just because of the luck you get. Its based on rng,You could get 10 boes in one run and the next 100 runs, get nothing. Threads Like this are everywhere, assuming things and giving false hope. Chest farming is the way to go :D

It was just about asking the question based on mathematical evidence.

The odds that I go in and get all those items is a combined .002% chance that I got it, so in other words that is a 1 in 40,000 that I did what I did based on the drop rate stated on wowhead, which is a generous assumption for the reason im about to state.. (took the drop rate of the HIGHEST mob drop available, because the Stockade drops where not even listed.... multiplied the drop chance by 2 because I got rares about half of the runs I did, and multiplied them together.)

And it seems like it is somewhat confirmed above that there may be something going on with the drop rate.
Just got my MM 3 or 4 days ago helping a hunter with scopes in Gnomer. First trash mob we killed, it dropped.

Have seen Silver-Linked boots and Feet of the Lynx drop in Stocks.

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