#2 (And I do appreciate seeing someone voice their passionate opinions)
This post is 100% accurate for the more competitive players. Especially the ones talking about how they are "sick" of level 10s, or "jajas".
However, this also kills any opportunity for players who aren't "in with the BH crew". As I've said in the past, the competitive gameplay should be held in Wargames and I agree with that. But we should ALL put that second to getting healthy PUGs and getting newer players involved. Moving to strictly wargames creates 0 possibility of growth as a community and shuns away players who aren't popular with the cool kids.
Even if you're on BH and good, you'll still have to find your own group because one of the people organizing the games may not like you. This results in exclusion on many levels, not only from this, but exclusion of newer players and older players who are returning.
In theory it would be AMAZING if all of us twinks were on BH playing wargames all day long together. Unfortunately, 19s are sooooooooo full of cliques and we're really not getting any new players
from BH.
Everybody transferred there. No one was really FROM BH. I don't see any indigenous BH players now all of a sudden deciding to make a 19. 19s have been huge on BH for a long time and if people were going to join 19s on BH with it being their home realm, they would have done so at some point before now.
Most new players that I encounter are on random realms that no one has ever even thought of. We should focus on growing in numbers as a community over favoriting competition. It's putting our own competitive desires aside for the health of the community.
I'd rather have a community of 250 twinks at many different skill levels playing PUGs all day than a group of 18 "elite" players who only play with themselves all day. With the amount of new players I've seen in PUGs on realms that I've never even thought of, I know for a fact that we can grow as a community in numbers if people would put their competitive desires aside and favor growth as a community. (Been saying this since 2011)
These are just my personal views backed by my passion for 19s.