State of the Bracket?

All these big long answers i'll simplify for you. It's shit!
Every time I see a post from the saint I make a bet with myself that it's going to be negative. So far I'm 100% spot on.
How many 20s/24s in a usual game?
3-6 for horde 1-4 for ally on avg
How's scaling between f2p 20s/24s?
still broken. Scaling doesnt even come close to make up for those stupid endgame chants
How's the balance between Burst/Control/Sustained/Healing or however you prefer to phrase it?
burst still wins all like normal. Healing is getting less and less thanks to battle faitigue and if you have 2 of any class burst you even with heals you are rpobably ddead
What are the flavor of the month classes?
How are f2p ele shams?
OP when played by someone good. Can handle their own vs many classes howewver their lack of healing makes them inefficient when facing 2 people normally
How are f2p frost mages?
meh. 24s are nice with frost lance but f2p is middle of the line
How are f2p disc priests?
decent. Can be bursted down quickly so the BiS set is basically max stam which makes heals/dmg not very good but can be good when played properly
How are f2p bm hunters?
hurt. Seeing more and more people roll BM because KC seems to hit harder then advertised however still arent as good as Sv imo.

Tl;dr: this bracket is getting worse and worse, horde is facerolling more and more, 24s are increasing more and more, and my offer still stands for ya ;)
Current state of the bracket? Broken because of those 24 pvp-wannabees.

man, can you not just step down off your high horse for a second? you're impressing no one but your self anyway.

24s are only a tiny part of the bracket when compared to the numbers of f2ps. it's shit because of rogues like you, and hunters. if you can't handle the odd 24 in your bg you have l2p issues... and some other issues.
Anyway i say again, bracket broken because of the scrub 24's. Deal with it dears ;)

Bracket's broken because of retarded scaling of damage, too much battle fatigue (or too little base resil, whichever way you want to see it), hunters buffed to the max in terms of dps and utility, rogues burst buffed to the max, an influx of jajas who can't even communicate in english, most of the somewhat skilled people have left, and people still favour to play fotm. On top of that is the issue of p2ps but if you think 24s are the sole issue why the bracket is broken... You must be pretty damn lost :(
Sorry i can't be and play brainless like you'd want to. Don't need to express how good i am in your every post.

Was entertaining at start not that i needed your recognition but now, now it's boring.

Anyway i say again, bracket broken because of the scrub 24's. Deal with it dears ;)

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but i play a 20 warlock...
Bracket's broken because of retarded scaling of damage, too much battle fatigue (or too little base resil, whichever way you want to see it), hunters buffed to the max in terms of dps and utility, rogues burst buffed to the max, an influx of jajas who can't even communicate in english, most of the somewhat skilled people have left, and people still favour to play fotm. On top of that is the issue of p2ps but if you think 24s are the sole issue why the bracket is broken... You must be pretty damn lost :(

he doesn't have the brain power to think of this. he just wants to make it another "i hate 24s" rant.

we get it achmed, the only think more powerful than a f2p hunter/rogue are enchanted hunter/rogues and you don't like it, go cry in another thread please.
Enchanted shadow priests are fine i suppose, no? Or do you want more examples?

I suppose not since you don't want to embarass yourself more :)

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i'm embarrassed you cant spell embarrass...

i can handle SP's on my lock, i cant handle rogues and hunters. if you let an SP stack orbs you deserve to be globaled. rogue/hunter dmg is instant.
Don't be, i've already stated that english is not my native language but.. that's another story and you picking on this made me smile.. big one :)

According to your friend leotsedapp, if you can't handle rogues as lock, you deserve to die. Funny to see you two talking about locks.

Anyway, do yourself good and go back and revive the "dead again" backwater bracket of 19's, you have that mentality you don't fit into higher brackets. Thanks.

what does 19s or leo have to do with me? and FYI leo was talking about demo locks. im aff, ya know that really OP spec...

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