Starting new Twink

I'm starting a new twink now my rogue dinged 20 :''(

Any ideas for class/race and server :D

Let me hear. Would be nice with some help

i think u should go --

priest or druid healr horde on magtheridon -- im starting a new twink on there and i can provide runs :D
Linkani said:
I'm starting a new twink now my rogue dinged 20 :''(

Any ideas for class/race and server :D

Let me hear. Would be nice with some help


Are you playing on Eu or US side?
Sounds good but got no Mains or something on that server:D´

And i'm a "Kid" So i cant just move server when i want to:(
Linkani said:
Sounds good but got no Mains or something on that server:D´

And i'm a "Kid" So i cant just move server when i want to:(

Np Np no main there eaither just useing a dk to grind gold on

and btw its horde side
Sure thinking the same idea...

But still Nøø Said it will be a good idea with a Hunter. cos there were OP and still easy twinking?
Linkani said:
Sure thinking the same idea...

But still Nøø Said it will be a good idea with a Hunter. cos there were OP and still easy twinking?

well Yeh they are the only expenciv is the staff and maby 1-2 outer items depending what ur going for

but hunters is gay in my oppinon xD
I got one called "Twinser" sucks!

What are you going to make m8?
Linkani said:
I got one called "Twinser" sucks!

What are you going to make m8?

got a 19 shammy comming up still in progress as i still need to lvl profs and make some achievements worth getting for EP
Fìalotta said:
got a 19 shammy comming up still in progress as i still need to lvl profs and make some achievements worth getting for EP

What is EP and what should i go for then?

I can play most of classes execpt shaman and druid
Linkani said:
What is EP and what should i go for then?

I can play most of classes execpt shaman and druid

Well just go for the one u think is most fun and EP im cant remember what it stands for but i mean get like titles as the Diplomat and such
Fìalotta said:
Well just go for the one u think is most fun and EP im cant remember what it stands for but i mean get like titles as the Diplomat and such

What you think DPS or Healer?

I know you cant say what im gonna make just what You think..

Are you shammy Ele, Enha or Resto?

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