Starting new Twink

Fìalotta said:
ok aroude when so i know i will be online:D

But im going to eat now so in a while
BloodSurge said:
Rampage yeah, theres a couple more on alliance side but the numbers have dropped drastically since 3.1 hit.

know on blackout BG we had like 10-15 allys and now its down to like 5 29 twink then

19 it was like 5 and now its down to 1-3 maby more on outer servers just know its a quit inactiv twink bg
Fìalotta said:
know on blackout BG we had like 10-15 allys and now its down to like 5 29 twink then

19 it was like 5 and now its down to 1-3 maby more on outer servers just know its a quit inactiv twink bg

Its more or less just playtime issues on rampage I think. Apart from that a lot of "twinks" are playing their mains now but I guess they'll return once Ulduar has been cleared a few times.
BloodSurge said:
Its more or less just playtime issues on rampage I think. Apart from that a lot of "twinks" are playing their mains now but I guess they'll return once Ulduar has been cleared a few times.

hehe ok i cba raid whit my guild just logging an alt they dont know when raid inv starts or so and jsut stay off for 2h and they dont bother me=)

If your going for elemental shaman check out mine for some ideas. They are pretty OP.
Your best bet is probably a server on the Cyclone battlegroup. At the moment it seems to be the "place to be". Although many things have changed since 3.1 hit.:(
Try a warrior or a paladin :) Those are the two classes i hate to fight on my hunter :eek: shh they kick ass
oompaloompa said:
Fìalotta Id like to start a char on that server if you guys are really active twink guild.

Well we dont know how activ darksorrow is atm and we have to w8 and see But i really hope it will be activ in a nere futher(meh cant remember spelling=( )
Cptheals said:
Your best bet is probably a server on the Cyclone battlegroup. At the moment it seems to be the "place to be". Although many things have changed since 3.1 hit.:(

We´re on the rampage BG
Fìalotta said:
We´re on the rampage BG

Speaking of which, there were some really good twink-filled games last night. Shame the majority of them were hunters but what can we do? Nothing worse than being caught up between 5 hunters. Endless concussive shots and pet slows > Everything not a paladin.
BloodSurge said:
Speaking of which, there were some really good twink-filled games last night. Shame the majority of them were hunters but what can we do? Nothing worse than being caught up between 5 hunters. Endless concussive shots and pet slows > Everything not a paladin.

If u play whit freinds it dosent mater as hunters is kinda rubbish if u dont got skill

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