special abilities bat, cat and dragon hawk

Firstly I know it's a risk to ask for concise information on anything to do with hunters on this forum, as I use this forum with the sole purpose of finding/sharing information I'm taking this risk.

Secondly this is rather a long story building up to my three questions. I do this in the hope to give all information needed in one go and not have to overexplain myself in multiple posts (which tend to clog up threads and not ad to anything but fodder as far as I am concerned).

I do not play much nowdays and my hunters I've hardly touched at all. My hunters are mainly used to collect pets. Since I found one that is new and interesting to me I logged my lvl 19 hunter to bring my 2 pets to the stable to go get my new pet. One of these pets is Petopia: White Ghost Cat (I ad the name of this specific pet as it's skin is different from other cats "naturally" and this might be the reason it behaves the way it does).

I was led to believe the "special abilities" where taken away from hunters below lvl 20 since the last patch. My Ghost Saber was stealthed when I called it but the "special ability" has disapeared from my pet ability spellbook. Not having the ability in my spellbook did not surprise me as they where suposed to have been taken out.

After noticing this I took out a bat. I am surprised it still has it's "special ability" in it's spellbook and allso that I am still able to use the stun (still need to manually put the spell back every time).

Both hunters are BM specced.

Now my questsions.

1. Am I mistaken and do bats still have their stun (implying mine is abnormal in some way, not likely as both of my below lvl 20 hunters have it)?

2. Does the cat prowl ability now work automatically (in/out combat or something?) or will it disapear alltogether if my cat leaves prowl?

3. This leads to my last question. Do dragonhawks still have their spellbuf ability?

Apologies in advance if this is findable on this forum allready (I used search for some time and can not find the information myself). I don't read the forum daily so it could have well slipped past me.
ok bats do still have their ability, they are the only ones that do at this moment, we do not know if it is a bug or intentional but it is known that they do have their ability. no other pet below level 20 has a special ability.

As for your ghost saber, the translucent appearance is not a special ability of that animal, that is its skin. That particular cat is no longer avalable in the wild, as the location it was in origionally has been redesigned. The nearly stealth like appearance of the cat though is not a special ability that is how it was skinned
Thankyou yougotcriton. The part about the bat still having shriek and the ghostsaber being gf-ed (strange petopia does not mention this as far as I can find) is new to me. I should read petopia better it seems as I allso found information on hapiness/feeding and a glyph I use (on 85 hunt) which I was unaware of http://www.wow-petopia.com/cataclysm/patch41.html.

You misunderstood my question about the cat. When I call this cat it actually has the "prowl" buf on it. I should clarify. I am wondering if this ability now is used in an automatic way (as it's not in spellbook but the pet does have it), or perhaps once the pet goes out of stealth it will have lost this ability entirely. I know the simple solution is to click the buf of or enter combat with it but I might want to keep a ghostsaber in stealth form for vanity if this is the case.
Penicillin said:
Thankyou yougotcriton. The part about the bat still having shriek and the ghostsaber being gf-ed (strange petopia does not mention this as far as I can find) is new to me. I should read petopia better it seems as I allso found information on hapiness/feeding and a glyph I use (on 85 hunt) which I was unaware of Petopia: Patch 4.1.

You misunderstood my question about the cat. When I call this cat it actually has the "prowl" buf on it. I should clarify. I am wondering if this ability now is used in an automatic way (as it's not in spellbook but the pet does have it), or perhaps once the pet goes out of stealth it will have lost this ability entirely. I know the simple solution is to click the buf of or enter combat with it but I might want to keep a ghostsaber in stealth form for vanity if this is the case.

Other threads talk about their cats being in prowl also, I'm not sure if it does leave prowl and go back into it though.
For the very few people that are interested in the subject, it loses it's prowl ability after entering combat.

If you are reading this thread you probably allso like the following information. Burning Boar is well known by now, but the Purple glowing bear allso works fine and does not lose it's glow after death. The "spirit" wolf does lose it's form after death (as many have said before me) but you can take it into wsg if you call it once you're in wsg, it loses form after death however. It has been stated it would lose form when entering wsg, as I only have 2 of these pets I have not tried entering wsg with it out yet (so call it once you're in bg).
Next patch Sonic Blast should correctly require level 20.
@ Musshy

Don't tell me you like ossy possy too.. been to so many of their concerts. wish Pascall & co had not quit tbh (I'm detering from my own rules in this thread.. you made me do it by posting that link :p ) And yes I noticed your nice word trick when I first saw a post with your name :)

Love those guys

Sorry for going of topic

Thankyou notoriousthf, I'll try if ghostsaber still tamable (later). Did you get the extra pet from the figurine by any chance (I forget the name but I mean the non controlable one that you can use once for 10 minutes if I'm not mistaken in the time) ?
From the start, i was 13 back then when they started. In the 90s ive even met them in person backstage several times because we were kinda the regular crew who tagged along with the concerts. Still loving their music :p

Oh and i still got a saber on one of my hunters with bite ^^
Haha, I must have run into you at some point irl then. This is a small coutry of course.

Thanks for pointing it out, my saber allso has it's bite :) My bat is obviously to young to have it so it seems (I much prefer the saber for looks anyhow).
good, now people will stop making fun of me for not using a bat and instead make fun of me because i am using a seagull.
More CC at 0 cost is certianly not a bad thing, it's kinda like if rogues just randomly got blind. We may not need it, but I'd still use it.
I always liked seeing variations of pets. Now its bat or you have a mildly harder but still ridiculously easy time.

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