SP Warlock Help

reessagny said:
to get the ß hold alt and press 225 on the numbers on right side of the keyboard

thanks, I never knew how to do that :3
Xposure said:
thanks, I never knew how to do that :3

Just saying it is alt + o on a mac :) :Ø
i've played affliction locks at 29s, 39s, 49s, 59s, 60, 69 and 70. I also played destro for all of those and preffered it from 49 and up but thats besides the point. Stack SP, learn your movements and you'll be fine. Drayner's a damn good lock, there's only a couple that I've come across in BG's who were better, most use a hybrid gear setup like his leaning more towards SP. Still, crit on a lock is worthless imo, grab the jordan and u can drop spidersilk for something else. SP hitcap easy bro.
Pøping said:
Without stam you will die in 3 seconds flat against any melee twink.

So basically all twinks.

[item]Bronze band of force[/item]

No thanks.

Try [item]Seal of wrynn[/item]

[item]Serpent Gloves[/item]


[item]Magefist Gloves[/item]


Why dont you ask MY lock.
Pymius, they give 7 ?

oh shit all the more reason to use both =8-D

on my priest i would have been able to get about 150 SP if i had gone all the way and figured that the best setup was around 100sp and the rest in intellect and stam. but for a full SP build i think you'd be getting near 170 sp or so !
ArthurianKnight said:
Pymius, they give 7 ?

oh shit all the more reason to use both =8-D

on my priest i would have been able to get about 150 SP if i had gone all the way and figured that the best setup was around 100sp and the rest in intellect and stam. but for a full SP build i think you'd be getting near 170 sp or so !

170 SP is nice, but what would you be sacrificing to get that? As you get to higher and higher levels of spell power you have to sacrifice more and more to gain each point of additional SP. Equiping bronze band o' force you lose 8 stats and only gain 7sp. I generally consider 1sp=0.5 stats and try to equip sp for sacrifices of stats in ratios of at least 1.5:1 but bronze band of force is at a ratio of 0.875:1, this is nearly double the amount of stats sacrificed than i consider acceptable.

Ofcourse the idea of stacking stats is to give one of them (sp in this case) a higher value than others, but i dont think that in any situation that its justifiable to use bronze band of force. Better places to swap stats for sp are Jutebraid gloves, inferno robe, wrist chant, shoulders and maybe even belt and legs for shadow SP if you're into that and want alittle bit more.

Stacking a single stat should be done sensibly, or you will end up completely gimping your HP and mana pools and being no use at all.
Kore nametooshort said:
170 SP is nice, but what would you be sacrificing to get that? As you get to higher and higher levels of spell power you have to sacrifice more and more to gain each point of additional SP. Equiping bronze band o' force you lose 8 stats and only gain 7sp. I generally consider 1sp=0.5 stats and try to equip sp for sacrifices of stats in ratios of at least 1.5:1 but bronze band of force is at a ratio of 0.875:1, this is nearly double the amount of stats sacrificed than i consider acceptable.

Ofcourse the idea of stacking stats is to give one of them (sp in this case) a higher value than others, but i dont think that in any situation that its justifiable to use bronze band of force. Better places to swap stats for sp are Jutebraid gloves, inferno robe, wrist chant, shoulders and maybe even belt and legs for shadow SP if you're into that and want alittle bit more.

Stacking a single stat should be done sensibly, or you will end up completely gimping your HP and mana pools and being no use at all.

and i completely agree with that.

i said if he was going for full SP build, and i mean FULL without any other stats, he'd be going glass canon with around 170SP maybe more if what i heard is true. but like i said for my priest i prefer the good old balanced gear, i have about 100SP and its all fine to me !

penis face... seriously is that all you could think of when you saw it.

= hair

8 eyes

- nose

D mouth

ArthurianKnight said:
penis face... seriously is that all you could think of when you saw it.

= hair

8 eyes

- nose

D mouth


still looks like a penis face to me

: D <- face

8=D <- penis

=8-D <- penis face
Thanks guys, I've decided to take Admin's build and mix and match it with a style I'm fond of. :3
176 is max sp unbuffed but as a belf i use bloodthis and blessed seer to reach 192 shadow sp of course theres holiday buffs but this is what i run around with
I have recently decided to go almost completely glass cannon on my warlock, and reach my hit cap through talents. I have just under 1k HP and 1k mana pool with 171 shadow damage. I also dropped my mining and re picked up engineering. With Sacrifice, fears, LOS, lifebloom, health potions and most of all my big bronzies I have not only been putting out alot more DPS but I havent been dieing any more then I used to. Also my new hit cap I have stopped missing important fears. If you learn how to play your warlock very aggressively while at the same time watching incoming players and using LOS to your advantage nearly maxing your spell power is the way to go. I however cant seem to ditch my sipdersilk boots for +9 shadow ones.
Yea, I can't seem to even find "of shadow power" gear... I've even started farming it, I don't want to resort to transferring around just to get this gear ><"

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