Sp/Resto, do you think it'd work?


Have played this setup on my 85, it's quite funny and a real double dps killer. Do you think it'd work at lvl 70? Missing some important abilitiest such as Mind Spike and Hex though :| But I'd love to play something different but the typical M/P or R/P.
Should work fine
Ah sorry, I meant resto I meant resto shaman. Should've made it more clear.
Okay, I've played few games now as SP/Resto. And I've come to a conclusion. On a scale from 1 to 10 how gay this setup is, 15. Oh dog, dot up and manaburn and burst down the unsuspecting pray <3

Seriously, I love it :D Ofc we still suck at this and we're not in skype...but still, good shit.
Okay, I've played few games now as SP/Resto. And I've come to a conclusion. On a scale from 1 to 10 how gay this setup is, 15. Oh dog, dot up and manaburn and burst down the unsuspecting pray <3

Seriously, I love it :D Ofc we still suck at this and we're not in skype...but still, good shit.

Let me know when ur queing :D
Aye ;)
its an easy 2.2 comp, but imo a well played sub/disc can beat it assuming the rogue has a synapse/tazik- sit spriest whole time, virtually no damage going out from the priest since they are a big cast oriented spec- blind priest with trink down on both sham and priest, synapse dance shaman with disc helping burst=gg
Re: Sp/Resto, do you think it'd work?
I've tried it a few games and all I can say is that the survival is insane especially if you're going with 400 + resil ;)
The survivablility in the group is rediculous, priest can off heals, bubble, fear, disarm/stun, silence, dispersion, hymn, etc while the shaman should be insane to kill by himself 2200 capable if good communications are made.
its an easy 2.2 comp, but imo a well played sub/disc can beat it assuming the rogue has a synapse/tazik- sit spriest whole time, virtually no damage going out from the priest since they are a big cast oriented spec- blind priest with trink down on both sham and priest, synapse dance shaman with disc helping burst=gg

What exactly is going to make the priest and shaman trinket without the rogue using blind

Assuming shaman isn't loltard and doesn't get sapped midgame and rogue dances priest with disperse is off CD because the priest wanted mana or something stupid, then shaman shouldn't trinket :S

I played this comp w/o skype for like 10 games at 2.1~ and without dispersing I can still survive a dance with springs while priest nukes me as long as my shaman isn't CC'd for the full duration (me having 37% resil) all he had to do was dispel the holy fire DoT the priest left on me and I got healed enough not to die :)

Landing a fear on the shaman is pretty hard also because of tremor lining up with dance and fear ward being available

EDIT: Rogue sitting on priest means nothing other than he has to juke a kick every 10 seconds, if rogue is gonna gouge VTs and shit then it just stops the game dead which is bad for the Disc/Rogue as disc will go OOM before the rsham
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its an easy 2.2 comp, but imo a well played sub/disc can beat it assuming the rogue has a synapse/tazik- sit spriest whole time, virtually no damage going out from the priest since they are a big cast oriented spec- blind priest with trink down on both sham and priest, synapse dance shaman with disc helping burst=gg

OOOOOOOOOR, pick the non-earthshielded target. kill him in garrote, problem?

No? If priest doesn't have ES and gets danced on while shaman gets a blind.. Shaman can trinket and put ES->riptide on

If it's the other way round priest trinkets and shield->PoM the shaman

Bzkli dunt use tr1nkit unles rog use blnd kai?
Get shaman in full fear without tremor obviously, get a full kidney on spriest and start pressuring, if he trinkets the kidney then blind him(don't get sw:d'd) and switch shaman fast with a dance when he has no riptide or ES on himself. I'm assuming that spriest used to disperse already(either to gain mana or to stop some pressure before).
Honestly spriest/restosham should beat disc/rog
The few games I played, I NEVER had to disperse for mana. Each time someone hit's me for 1.4k or more I get 10% of my total mana back, and also each time I SW:D I get another 10% of total mana back. Only way to oom spriest on this team is to go hard on shaman, tunnel him the whole game, forcing priest to off-heal from time to time. I recall being at ~30% mana and 10 seconds after I'm nearly at full mana without using any mana cds.

Also about Disc/Rogue. Sure rogue can lock me down, but it's really hard for them to kill either of us. Dispersion has 1min 15sec CD so it's up for almost every dance. And as you've mentioned there's no point in trinketing anything else but the blind. Even if my shaman would get caught in full fear without tremor I could still disarm/fear the rogue and silence priest to prevent dispels, assuming I'm not sitting in full kidney.

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