Southshore Vs Tarren mill

like someone mentioned it before. Maybe a Wod thing. i was able to solo que for it. I may make a 10 to play it in xp on Bgs.
[MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION] you can't specific Q for it, it says "Join group failed" I'm in random Q with the 2 that always pop disabled, EoTS and WSG.

Have you gotten a random queue for it? It may just be disabled for pure-trials always.
I'm a real trial account and its not working, but you can que for it in the random/bonus battleground section.

I even made a lvl 11 horde (exp on, of course) and qued, it still said 'join as group failed' on that too.

I think the best thing us real trials can do, is que for it in the random/bonus battleground section all together at once and cross our fingers.
Wowwiki says: "Tarren Mill vs Southshore is a 40vs40,[1] "team deathmatch-style" battleground, planned for Warlords of Draenor.[2] The battleground will be in two brackets: level 100, and levels 90-99.[3]"

But they are routinely wrong.

Let's figure it out, there are nice titles to be had <Name>, Southshore Slayer - Titles - World of Warcraft <Name>, Tarren Mill Terror - Titles - World of Warcraft

After doing this, i got the achievement and title on my 100. The title worked on an alt 91 who hadnt done it, it didnt however show up on my trial. So I'm guessing its got a lvl req of 90.

You guys really arent missing much, picture AV except an hour of fucking off in the fields of strife. The game pretty much promotes GY camping for 60 minutes. It's not fun, or enjoyable.
so it works? this is amazing (even if setting a 40v40 games takes forever for f2ps).

I thought it was for 100s only?

on the official website it is written there should be 2 brackets: 90-100 and lvl100

About the BG

Congrats on having a son :)
A few questions: is he P2P / F2P? And I assume he's exp on?

Yes and yes. Also account upgraded to WoD. Sorry I should have included that info. His characters are on my p2p account.

Thanks for the congrats. He's 7 lol
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You guys really arent missing much, picture AV except an hour of fucking off in the fields of strife. The game pretty much promotes GY camping for 60 minutes. It's not fun, or enjoyable.

I have to concur with this. It was just a big laggy cluster. After the boy went to bed, I didn't even queue for it.

Having said that there was a bit of nostalgia for me. Watching him run around the old hillsbrad was cool. Some of the old mobs are even there.
i don't pvp anymore but yeah nostalgia, there could be lots of events like this they could run on some occasion like an event in halaa (is halaa in WoD btw? since nagrand is in the expension) ??
Spent 3hrs queued as random at 19 XP on with only ES and SS selected. ES finally popped. I'm not sure I want to waste any more time doing that. It would be different if we could exclude ES too.
This bg is in the war games section also, it says minimum of 5v5. Has this been tested yet? Just thought i better mention it in case no one else saw it.

Idk but i think not... we couldnt do bg watgames in mop but still not sure... gl trying.

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