If only EU was a country but its not. It is an economical bond between countries.
Idk what hippie jargon you're spewing but eu is definitely a country idiot
If only EU was a country but its not. It is an economical bond between countries. what hippie jargon you're spewing but eu is definitely a country idiot
Idk what hippie jargon you're spewing but eu is definitely a country idiot
And here comes the baiting from Dramatized again. God you make yourself look stupid with this one though.can confirm eu is indeed a country i have lived here for 20 years
When pigs fly.Sorry people majority rules eu is a country and it is < US
i'm not dumb and fat </3. But we try to dissociate from the United States. Cuz they're dumb and fat.
When pigs fly.
Can most of you guys just ignore these childish retards whom is trying to start an arguement please? Thanks.
i'm not dumb and fat </3
goodYou, sir, are an exception!
Maybe my comment before was an over statement