Someone on the forums (US)..

Someone is posting this site on the forums and is saying that we are supporting these cheating and hacking of the items. Maybe some of us do and maybe some of us don't. But this guy, I believe his name is stuntin, is post on the CSF and the pvp forums (that I know of, there might be others) about how to do this exploit and such.
Firstly, ahahahahahah. Blizzard can't do any thing to a private site.

Secondly, hes crying on the Warcraft forums, really? that one just mocks it self.

Thirdly, there Moderators seem to be handling it some what.

Fourthly, just because something is here doesn't mean we support it, he sounds like an idiot.

Fifth, if 35+ people at his school are gonna quit, it wasn't because of the exploits.


Sixth, thanks for this information ;)

Seventh, we don't support or denie exploits/hacks, atm we are hands off...for now any way.

Eighth, he wants to stop all these exploits and such but then explains in detail how to do it in his threads.

Ninth, hes posting on an alt, meaning hes a coward.

Tenth, I hope he reads these comments.

I agree with everything you said.
Wow, what a total retard. He probably is one of those ignorant 80s that wants to kill twinking because his level 10 got destroyed by level 19s who spent a chunk of their time and effort on the character...

That's probably the reason. I don't see why most 80's hate twinks?
his level 10 got destroyed by level 19s who spent a chunk of their time and effort on the character...

Thats one reason.
Naturaltalnt said:
Firstly, ahahahahahah. Blizzard can't do any thing to a private site.

Actually, Blizzard have sent All Terrain Attack Lawyers after owners of private sites/servers before, so...
Maybe, but I highly doubt Blizzard really cares about some twink site, they have much more pressing issues epsicially with 3.1 on the rise.

That and people are much free'er (that a word?) to say what they want over the internet, very few things are limited compared to real life.
Lepidosteus said:
Actually, Blizzard have sent All Terrain Attack Lawyers after owners of private sites/servers before, so...

I know that they have done this before, but hasn't it been for pure hacking sites and gold buying/account selling sites. So a few posts on a forum of a site that focuses on legit twinking. But it is true that lawyers have been sent out and Blizz has shut down sites; I doubt TwinkInfo is at risk.

Zuty said:
I know that they have done this before, but hasn't it been for pure hacking sites and gold buying/account selling sites. So a few posts on a forum of a site that focuses on legit twinking. But it is true that lawyers have been sent out and Blizz has shut down sites; I doubt TwinkInfo is at risk.


I wouldn't say so either, but if the site gets a rep for revealing every exploit then it's only a matter of time ;)
Lepidosteus said:
I wouldn't say so either, but if the site gets a rep for revealing every exploit then it's only a matter of time ;)


10 characters.
You'd think if Blizzard was going to be shutting down sites they might start with the thousands of gold selling websites and power leveling sites. Those seem to be under heat all the time but rarely does the spam ever stop on trade/whispers. I seriously doubt as well that Blizzard cares about this sort of a forum. It isn't like we are doing anything, and even with all the exploit bugs talk, it is directions "how to" not "do it."
The deal with is that it's registered through - a company that hides who the owners of the site are.

Even if were forced to reveal the site owners by a judge, Blizzard could be hampered if the owner happens to lives outside of northern America/EU (there's still a bunch of european countries that's not part of the EU).

This site however, looks to be registred in good ole Canadia :)

Do a search on Blizzard vs. Glider to see how far Blizzard have gone in the past to protect their interests.
Lepidosteus said:
Actually, Blizzard have sent All Terrain Attack Lawyers after owners of private sites/servers before, so...

gotta watch out for those AT-ALs.
Windsor said:
You'd think if Blizzard was going to be shutting down sites they might start with the thousands of gold selling websites and power leveling sites. Those seem to be under heat all the time but rarely does the spam ever stop on trade/whispers. I seriously doubt as well that Blizzard cares about this sort of a forum. It isn't like we are doing anything, and even with all the exploit bugs talk, it is directions "how to" not "do it."

BTW there's practically nothing blizzard can do legally to these companies, as most of them are basied in countries such as korea or china. all they can do is ban the accounts.
no, it's fun to get pulled over for going 1 mph through a stop sign and then having to wait hours to get the privilege of servicing the government 100 dollars.

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