Someone on the forums (US)..

regarding the topic of if blizzard wants to shut down twinkinfo.

if blizzard's going to go after because it perhaps promotes getting the exploited gear, they won't be able to make the same case as they did against glider. glider alternate's blizzard's program, while the exploits are just things you can do within the WoW game. the exploits don't 'hack' or disrupt the WoW files at all.

you need to DL glider in order to make it work.

you can go on any account on any computer with WoW and internet, and make the exploits work.

against twinkinfo, i don't see how blizzard could win the government over other than by throwing money at the judge.
And I think that we're all overestimating TwinkInfo's perceived "power" in the overall grand order of all things WoW-related. I could be wrong, but I don’t believe that TwinkInfo is an “official WoW Fansite” and, as such, they really can’t do much, other than try to limit the site’s use of company logos and such.

I’m not a communications law person, but I think that the site is protected my the “fair use” and “freedom of speech” thing.
Freedom of Speech applys diffrentlly, the internet is based globally, you can't use one specfic goverments laws for this place.

There are global systems put in place, some for certain areas/countrys, others agreed on by some of the biggest countrys and foundations, but you are right that we are protected by most of what Blizzard could do.
to answer the question of "why people hate twinks" its easy. lowbie (10-18, 20-28, etc) goes into BG for fun, gets GY camped by twinks, says "ITS NOT FAIR" and qq's

personally im 50/50 on twinking. i think maybe 70% of the ones on Moonrunner/Shadowburn BG are terrible, rely on stacking stamina and chugging pots to cover their obvious terribad skill. (had a lvl 24 Ret Pally with just over 1k HP, killed a 29 mage that had like 2200 HP 1v1). 30% of them are organized, run flags, and go for the fast/efficient win. unfortunately, most pug twinks are the 70% that aer bad. they camp GYs, or stay midfield the whole game and dont understand the bigger picture of BGs

its the bad twinks that ruin the game for the good twinks
SinR said:
to answer the question of "why people hate twinks" its easy. lowbie (10-18, 20-28, etc) goes into BG for fun, gets GY camped by twinks, says "ITS NOT FAIR" and qq's

I’ll agree that there is a component of that, but really, it can’t be the sole reason, can it? I mean, the perceived bully factor seems like a good catalyst too (especially if they’ve never been in a good twink BG, or actually talked to a good twink). IN the end we may never know, but man, I’d like to!

SinR said:
its the bad twinks that ruin the game for the good twinks

Yeah, I agree with this too, but it doesn’t seem to work “upward,” from what I’ve seen. There are TONS of @$$hole PvP endgame players, and plenty or elitist raiders that are jerks in 5-man’s, in trade, etc., yet you don’t get the same amount of hate for end-game raiding or end-game PvP if you mention it on a forum or in trade. On my server, all you have to do is advertise a twink guild or LF premade and the flames start and can go for hours and hours.

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