Some 50-54 twinks i've seen so far [huge potential for EU twinking]


Okay to simplify things; anyone who is interested in making 50-54 twink EU - send a message.

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Everyone will roll gnome alli for trinkets...With that happening Qs become long & alliance becomes OP, GG.
Wow. I just feel bad for World of Warcraft when I see things like this. Take DonnieDarko, for example. He has close to 300K HKs, but there's a major gap in his achievements. Most of them come from December 2009, which means just after the no-XP patch and achievements landed. There are a couple of achieves from 2010, then nothing until February 2011, including his first Eye of the Storm battle. That tells me Donnie basically farmed newbies before the no-XP patch hit, then left a couple of months afterward. Since there weren't EU 49 games last year, he was either a 39, 29, or (most likely) a 19. Then he returned early this year, leveled up, and started using the XP eliminator exploit to terrorize people in the 50-54 bracket. If he's having fun, well, more power to him I guess. But if he were to put his armory in a "rate my twink" thread, I don't think he'd get very far.

Hopefully I'm wrong, and he's just leveling through to get to a higher, active XP-off bracket. But the Dark Iron Rings say otherwise -- those are some of the hardest items to grind in all of WoW for XP-off, especially since he didn't level until this year, when the grind got much harder (coffer keys no longer stay in inventory). Unless he got amazingly lucky, we're talking a hundred BRD runs easy. I could easily see double or triple that number.

That's a dedicated XP-on griefer.
Donnie played at lower than level 39 I believe then moved to 39, did some achievements then moved in. He used to be active in our 30-39 achievement thread as well.

It looks like a decent bracket apart from the Gnome imbalance.
No guys! its not xp off exploit. You play WSG and never cap flag with your insane damage and survival, on the last 4min you leave the game. Sure its kind of lame, but if the bracket get's boosted we can start rolling xp-off bgs.

And no gnomes ain't op. Horde can roll druids, shamans paladins who get access to 30 stamina gems - to somewhat balance this. Anyway if you don't have the guts to for this challenge - don't show up, this post was written for those who looks for a challenge. Enjoy your lame 20-24s or 19s where satchel people 2 shot you.

This bracket has a lot of potential, atm there isn't enough people - but that is no problem anyway. Plz don't forget the satchel bug exploit. My lvl 19 warlock already has close to 3k health and 57% haste when herblore buffed (lets face it, 19s age is over). Oh and lets face it (again), its not hard to hide your satchel gear on your armory, (most gms check ONLY ARMORY, so if they don't see it - they can't bann you) and just get a lot of useless items to hide your recent loot.
Looking at donnies achivement's, you can clearly see that he has a limited choise of farming them - most of them are done anyway (the ones level 1-54s can do). And so what? Are you jelly cuz he got close to 300k hks and you sit on your "10-50k?"

P.S nice chardevs stunggix, gotta ask though; Why black dragonscale chest on shaman, isn't the loom better?

P.S nr two
Yea Ironfoe - even though not bis, still rocks ^^, and warcraftchick - welcome to the team
Is that you Donnie? You have this way of typing that is very reminiscent of Donniedarko as I have had quite a few PM's with him over the times. Plus your trumpeting on about "him" makes me question whether it is you!

Further evidence could be construed from the fact that is a new account (joined 11/12/11) and Donnie's account is showing he has been offline since 07/11/11. I may be wrong but I smell a rat, lol.
I'm not him, I don't even get your logic behind that statement. Also I've messeged this guy in hopes that he could add some more names, but he was hasn't logged on yet. Yes I said him, because I cheacked fakestab's guild and found that guy who was with him. Wanted to point out that I checked "donnies" guild like I did with fakestab's. Anyway I'll update the new names as quickly as possible. I've also tried to get contant with fake and tame, but they arn't even on TwinkInfo. Also I don't see anything wrong with calling him "donnie" istead of "donniedarkõ" maybe because I'm lazy to write whole name - but that's just me.

But if you wish to believe that - I won't stop you (because I simply don't care), I just wanted to show you guys some active 50-54 twinks. 50-54s is rather unique, I wanted to join - and was kind of hoping that somebody else wanted to join with me so we could kind of start a small good natured bracket, pluss its always nice to have some example twinks. This post was made for those who are looking for a "different" way. And for those who say gnomes are op; I rolled a paladin, a horde paladin, because I don't like gnomes (they are too short)

P.S "mrdoobry" if the above comment was a troll post, please try again with something better - I mean comeone (11/12/11) and (07/11/11) isn't fishy at all. And yea maybe I do talk about him "he has over 250k" Bg HK's after all (that is auto earned respect in my book). I'm not saying that he is greater than fake or tame just saying what I said. Again believe what you want - me not care, me care bout bracket hurr, durr
Lol that was not a troll. Add to that you even have a very similar attitude, so if it is not you then I think you will certainly get on with him as he has a very similar "could not give a shit" attitude.

It does look like an interesting bracket but the one race does have a decent advantage, at least it won't be a DK fest.

Auto-earned respect for 250k, you do realise that there are level ones with this and it can be farmed in a matter of weeks right? Or could^^

I know Donnie did not earn his this way, I give him that.
Although I don't know anything about how you could have gotten level 1s with 250ks - its probably an exploit, which is bannable. This guy has bg kills (statistics is your best friend), which is why he earned my respect, and besides WTF! This thread isn't about him! Its about 50-54 twinks. And I don't see anyway I could have gotten similar attitude with that guy - I don't even know him personally.

And one more thing, gnomes can't play paladins, shamans and druids. If you look at that feral druid tamelan - he hits just as hard, without that crazy proc. Yes the proc is nice to have, but its not game breaking, and is easily countered by throwing a hammer of lolness( or any other cc, that was just an example) on the guy when its proced. Besides I've already stated that other classes have access to 30stamina gems, to somewhat even it out.
the problem that i think would occur is getting somebody to level up, not that its hard to level to 54. Unless someone has a random alt sitting near 54. If people are going to level up to 54, they may just want to level to the 60 or 70 bracket, hence the reason many people do not reroll in the 60 and 70 bracket is because of the leveling.

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