EU <Somalian Pirate Crew> recruiting


Somalian Pirate Crew
Hello, I am zuro.
I have a guild on stormscale horde for 20-29 twinks.
We have been around since mop and spreading love every day.
We do a lot of groupqeueing and fotm abuse.
Wanna join? Come to stormscale and give me a wisper.
If you don't wanna join I understand aswell.
Glad to see you guys still around after what GSC did to ya.
Best of luck for finding new members - definitely some nice activity/players on stormscale. :)

I know this isn't technically relevant to the thread, but are there any good/active EU alliance guilds for 29s about? I haven't played for a few months but planning on coming back for Xmas.
But roll SV hunter please, We dont think u will be able to keep up with us otherwise.
We are currently the best EU 20-29 guild.
there's activity on eu besides afk-ing in front of sw or og? interesting...

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Maybe you guys should call yourself better Somalian Necrophilia Crew.
I felt ashamed to be in the same BG when you raped those levlers on the GY.

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