Jøldal Förebild
GSC is a complicated story. Not online alot at the same place. Moving around in brackets, regions and games but when it comes to being the best in 20-29 GSC have always and will always be number one in soooo many ways and they will be ready in a heartbeat as soon as any other guild show some kind of serious aspect in a competitive manner for sure. Any1 who know anything about GSC knows this.
SPC is good in a different way: The always active way, there are always players you can group up with to do events and bgs and sometimes even inhouse wargames or arenas. The lvl of skill might not be as high but at least you don't feel alone in the bracket.
SPC is good in a different way: The always active way, there are always players you can group up with to do events and bgs and sometimes even inhouse wargames or arenas. The lvl of skill might not be as high but at least you don't feel alone in the bracket.