SOLUTIONS to fix the faction imbalance in this bracket

If you are re-rolling Horde make sure you've got the chat macro/friend names addon from my sticky, so you can ask everyone if there are any P2Ps on to make groups. We're doing regular group dungeon runs, even those like myself who have all the boss drops we need. You'll have less queue time, and less people to roll need against.

The chat addon should be finished really soon, which will make forming groups even easier, and it will also free me up to start work on the group addon, that will really help get war games off the ground.
Parfait said:
Real solution is to get P2P players to schedule War Games.

No, that would be avoiding the problem and not solving it. Solution is skilled alliance players to roll horde toons. And they are doing it already, which is greatly appreciated <3

Also, Horde needs to premade as much as possible.

@COTUS, I don't like 2 and 3. As I said in my first sentence I view that as a way to avoid the problem and NOT a SOLUTION.

We just need to suck it up that allies will always have more faceroll classes cause of all the facerollers that went alliance for the better gear and due to the snowball effect of horde facerollers moving to alliance in order to faceroll, and counter all that with skill. Make premades whenever we have p2p online, simul Q with your buddies when not, take the role of a leader in BGs telling ppl what to do, call them names if they dont listen LDO (trollface.jpg). Also flaming the lazy idiots that join with no gear. Don't just call them names, make sure they know we are angry at them dragging the team down with their bad gear. "Lazy" is a word I use often when refering to said players.
Horde players need to collectively get their shiz together. Half their team usually has 600hp, I very rarely see that on alliance.
iplayforfree said:
Horde players need to collectively get their shiz together. Half their team usually has 600hp, I very rarely see that on alliance.

and conversely, it isn't unusual to see an alliace team with 0-2 under 1k hp.

horde needs more tanks to reduce dungeon q times.
Parfait said:
We need less alliance hunters and paladins. So rolling other alliance classes to cut down the % of those in BGs would be better. Having more horde won't help us win unless we play the "who can have more hunters" game.

Though I see the merit of people rolling Horde, I also tend to agree with this.

Every 'empty' slot will most likely be filled with another 'problem toon' for the reasons given earlier (and summed up by Yasueh).

Conversedly, while a Horde twink would potentially replace a genuine Trial player (the '700 hp Belf warlock in a dress') , due to the class & gear imbalances this tactic would work best if Horde rolled overtuned classes - which leads to the issue Parfait rightly points out ('who can out-hunter/pally the other side?')

So 'roling Dwarf Warlocks' might be a viable alternative, and while it may not be the most entertaining thing to do so (in my experience you will get flamed/emote-spammed for it, personally I don't care as the moment someone on ''my team' even suggests camping he's not on 'my team' anymore), playing on Ally side does allow to comunicate with the campers and to more influence the game in the (IMO) right direction.
Shockur said:
Also flaming the lazy idiots that join with no gear. Don't just call them names, make sure they know we are angry at them dragging the team down with their bad gear. "Lazy" is a word I use often when refering to said players.

I do hope you are not referring to genuine new players.

Unlike most other Locked brackets, genuine new players can literally stumble into the 20-24 Locked bracket, and in fact are quite likely to do so. You can hardly blame them for just playing their game. In a sense we're just using an opportunity that was almsot certainly never aimed at making more viable twink brackets.

Also, pre-XP split, twinks were primarily associated (correctly or not) with two forms of problematic behaviour: camping the opposing team, and flaming lesser geared people on their own team.

With camping already being rife again, I don't think the other one should resurface as well, and not just because it will make it more likely Blizzard will step in again.
The obvious solution to faction imbalance is for horde p2p to roll more 24 twinks(especially hunters, disc priests and prot pallies). This will even out the bg. Even COTUS started a thread about ally hunters being more of a problems than 24s
Dude I tell this male bloodelf in 800hp forti buffed.

-Good heals


-Dude you really should do some dungeons for some gear before you do BGs, look at my hp look at yours

-Sry I have a life

-......****ing idiot it takes one afternoon for a healer to gear up
keep in mind that these random noobs have just as much of a right to play as we do. we're all freeloading off activision right now. we don't really have any "right" to criticize them or their play.

what we do have a right to do, and what we should do, is to roll more horde twinks and to GROUP QUEUE. every horde twink that queues for a bg is a random undergeared noob who is not going to be in that bg ruining the game. and if you GROUP QUEUE, that is several GUARANTEED spots that are going to be filled up by friendly, competent players who will contribute to the game.
ridingon24 said:
The obvious solution to faction imbalance is for horde p2p to roll more 24 twinks(especially hunters, disc priests and prot pallies). This will even out the bg. Even COTUS started a thread about ally hunters being more of a problems than 24s

Just leads to more 24 Ally.
Shockur said:
Dude I tell this male bloodelf in 800hp forti buffed.

-Good heals


-Dude you really should do some dungeons for some gear before you do BGs, look at my hp look at yours

-Sry I have a life

-......****ing idiot it takes one afternoon for a healer to gear up

UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally know where you're coming from.

People don't understand MMO's are GEAR BASED. this toon geared up in a few hours after 20. There is no cure for laziness or bad play(which is what it comes too).

It felt good doing BFD the other day with a 25 mage yelling for dps meters, I did 38% of the damage for the run, he did 25%. He was shocked to say the least.

I got a Troll Priest I'm working on Bladefist, how are priests as a 20 F2P? I'll prolly do a Belf Pally next.
C O T U S said:
guys, while i agree that the eye patch and other superior alliance-only gear is indeed *one* of the *causes* of this problem, we're not here to debate the causes. we're here to come up with solutions.

A Horde side similar quest reward would tremendously help. True F2P twinks see the Fishing Hat vs. Eye Patch. Its a pretty big stat difference.

Someone truly trying the game though wouldn't care, but they also have 700 hp and wear INT-SPIRIT gear on there Warrior in the 20-24 bracket, then complain how they die so easily. Then they get mad when you try to help them.
Hardc0re said:
I'll roll a horde hunter to help fixing the faction imbalance.

But I'll do it on a PvP server for added fun

There are no such things as battlegroups anymore right?

No battlegroups anymore yeah, but please don't roll a hunter atleast.
Enjoy your 10 hunter vs 10 hunter games once the war games addons are done, so everyone else can avoid you.
Warcraftrealms is notoriously unreliable.

Do those numbers even take into account where the classes are being played? It would be better evidence of what's going on in BGs if they didn't include 20-24s who are doing PvE.
those numbers are obviously completely bogus. i have no idea how that data is gathered, or if it is supposedly reliable, but i'd bet everything i own on these statistics being completely false for the 20-24 f2p bracket.

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