I'd like to see that, and chance of a video?
Sorry, I don't record gameplay. Might look into it one day, but not for now.
Mind you, a good player can kill you, of course. The thing is, everyone sees you as a 111 with <60k hp and underestimates you (why I think everyone ignores my thorns). By the time they realise what's up they're already 50% hp or less and dying while I'm still at max hp. Add whatever weird scaling Blizzard does that makes you do more damage to 120s than usual (and they doing less to you) and it's easy to see why you are very very strong in wpvp.
As a druid with feral affinity you are also very fast. Not speed twink warrior fast, but I'm talking ~160-170% in cat form and ~170-180% in travel form (in combar), with bursts of 230%+ with sephuz proc. You can dot someone up with rake/rip/moonfire/sunfire, go toe-to-toe with barkskin + thorns, then root/vortex/stun and kite while HoTting yourself up. Not even DHs or WW monks can catch you if you know what you're doing.
What I find hardest is stun + that mechagon burst trinket (the red punchcard one you buy at revered). It can eat through most of your HP in one cast, and is super annoying. I tend to save my Bash stun to be able to interrupt it, or if I see it being cast I just tree form and spam Regrowth. Ret palas also take forever to kill, since you generally have to kill them 3 times (bubble, BoP, LoH), but are doable since they're very kitable.
For bonus points, when I go on a Legion Invasion wpvp trip (killing 120s who gank levelers), I use Keeper Remulos as a bodyguard. His ability can literally take 50%+ of a 120's HP if they stand in the fire (which they very often do) - and it's hilarious how they drop from full to 0 in 20 seconds after you open on them.
I'd like to see that, and chance of a video?
I found a 270k HP rogue this morning (~425 ilvl). Here's a showcase of the burst you can do as a resto:
Admittedly he didn't put up much of a fight, but all he could have done is blind (I'd trinket), kidney shot (I'd living action potion) and evasion (I'd kite/root and reapply magic dots). Unless they are really good, rogues are free kills even if they open up on you.
Hopefully this gives you an idea of the damage you can put out vs 120s as a decently geared 111 resto. Note how his HP melts when he comes out of the stun and attacks into my Thorns while fully dotted.
edit: uploaded an uncompressed 60fps version