So What's the New Best Class?

hpallys exospaming ( or w/e its called now) rdruids in cat form hit like trucks, priests...well lets not go there, shammys dmg is poor but will still out last and kill a dps, healers, all healers are OP and make playing a pure dps class feel like beating your head against a brick wall.

Healer circle jerk is probably the most annoying group you can face/experience. I hadn't had the delightful pleasure of partaking in such a mess until this last game...


To the OP. Roll a healer and join the circle jerk!
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Palys don't do dmg anymore. Their heals also take very long, so cc classes can beat them. I wouldn't say they belong to the strongest classes now. Priests and druids definitely.
Denounce spam still does good damage, and holy shock is instant?
Common people gotta tell OP a list of who specifically to reroll after talking all cata about how little skill other ppl had yet in MoP he can't deal with his hunts not rolling over people.

Okay skarey here are some choices.

1) 24 spriest if you wanna be the typical bad 24 reroll this is the class for you to optimize.. well anything
2) any 24 healer if you wanna be impossible to be beat in anything under 1v3
3) 20 Dpriest is best for mid healing and those bubbles.. not going there. however the recent nerf of 1k penance shots will steer you away I'm sure
4) 20 Hpals are the single most hard healer to take down with the armor and instant heal and bubble which seems to have the same cd as a trinket
5) Rdruids are unkillable when fcing in the open (not like it matters theyll probably be in base before you can track anyways)
6) Rshammies are just annoying. No clear edge over the other healers but just find them annoying

There which FotM you wanna reroll skarey?
Skarey, at level 20 there's no class that comes close to what Hunters were before. Heals are a bit overtuned, but classes are much more balanced now. Hunters are still very solid. They're by far the most mobile DPS class and have amazing CC still. The damage is now in line with other classes instead of being crazy OP.

I remember you saying before that hunters were the only DPS worth bringing because they were far and above any other DPS classes. There isn't a class like anymore. If you'll be playing solo, a DPS class with off heals will be your best bet. You'll need to take advantage of your utility no matter what you play though, its not entirely just a facerolling bracket anymore.
Skarey, at level 20 there's no class that comes close to what Hunters were before. Heals are a bit overtuned, but classes are much more balanced now. Hunters are still very solid. They're by far the most mobile DPS class and have amazing CC still. The damage is now in line with other classes instead of being crazy OP.

I remember you saying before that hunters were the only DPS worth bringing because they were far and above any other DPS classes. There isn't a class like anymore. If you'll be playing solo, a DPS class with off heals will be your best bet. You'll need to take advantage of your utility no matter what you play though, its not entirely just a facerolling bracket anymore.

very nice summary - I think things are looing pretty good but warriors need to be buffed; they have been gimped once again.
ok i'll say it, roll a balance druid thank me later
Well I still have my Hunters, but they're bad now or something
The whole point of twink brackets was always to just be really overpowered
Do you realize how ignorant you sound?
Twinking about about getting the best gear for every class and doing your best to be the best at that class so you can outwit and outsmart everyone regardless of your handicaps and in light of your advantages.
If you were so neglected of love that the only thing you see in twink brackets is griefing other players and camping, then hopefully you will get bored of this game excessively fast because I can only assume you started playing in Cataclysm as a hunter, because twinking is not even remotely about griefing. It's about playing to the best of your ability and having fun doing it with the extreme preference of you being in the best gear you can get.
Not about playing a class that in no gear can do more damage and stay alive longer than someone in the best gear available to them.

The fact you're saying hunters are "bad now or something" is the only reason I cannot imagine you having played this game for any period of time longer than it took you to accrue those 5,800 honorable kills on that hunter, because hunters are far from bad right now, I would strongly recommend looking at your own ability rather than your hunters ability. They take more skill and they're no longer a PEWPEWPEWDAMAGEEVERYWHERE class, they're more of a Crowd Control class, which means (Oh god) you're going to have to help your team mates and not charge in time and time again racking up killing blows.

ok i'll say it, roll a balance druid thank me later

As someone who mains a 20 balance druid I strongly disagree, by all means he can roll one if he likes but if he wants to roll over clothies like he did in Cataclysm a balance druid is far from the answer, we're quite good for utilization but we're not overpowered, our mobility is a bit, but that's how it's always been and I can't imagine Blizzard nerfing what they've done to druids mobility.

Balance druids are good consistant damage, decent heals, extremely mobile, and slightly below decent tanks but can do it in a pinch.
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Do you realize how ignorant you sound?
Twinking about about getting the best gear for every class and doing your best to be the best at that class so you can outwit and outsmart everyone regardless of your handicaps and in light of your advantages.
If you were so neglected of love that the only thing you see in twink brackets is griefing other players and camping, then hopefully you will get bored of this game excessively fast because I can only assume you started playing in Cataclysm as a hunter, because twinking is not even remotely about griefing. It's about playing to the best of your ability and having fun doing it with the extreme preference of you being in the best gear you can get.
Not about playing a class that in no gear can do more damage and stay alive longer than someone in the best gear available to them.

Next players to ask this question should be told they must play a warrior. If we can get all FotM players to play one we will have gotten rid of em in a week.
Sorry that they got rid of the Cata f2p hunter and you can no longer relive some shit you saw in a low budget action film

lol'd, so hard.
How is nobody mentioning/complaining about rogue damage? Their 800-900 ambushes/eviscerate are almost as constant as holy shock was.
Apparently Hunters are not longer king of the hill

Who's taken over, for Mists of Pandaria?

ban this kid already.
@Skarey please quit wow this bracket would be much better without scrubs like you.
How is nobody mentioning/complaining about rogue damage? Their 800-900 ambushes/eviscerate are almost as constant as holy shock was.
They aren't a healer, ambush/eviscerate don't have 40 yard range, and they're very easy to kite.


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