So the Glitching continues...

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Your 5 man is justified because you just happened to queue into another premade! What about all the other games you did not queue into a premade? Was your 5 man justified then?


Well the thing about Qing premades is that you have a higher chance to enter a bg against another premade, blizz actually made it this way some years ago. So the chance of you coming up against complete pugs is wayyyy lower. Thing is even when I premade against pugs, the game is a quick game, don't spend 15 mins GY farming, might be 5 mins GY farming rofl, but not 15 mins!!!

Justification for a premade?!!? You don't need any, its the rules of the game, if blizz didn't want people Qing in premades they wouldn't of made it possible, eh.

The trend I'm seeing here is, things you need to justify to keep the QQers happy like :-
Playing a 29 feral !
Playing a 29 in general !
Playing a premade !
Rubbing my belly so I pur !

Like cmon, learn to play and all this won't happen. I'm so tempted to make a vet account just to fk up some of these ppl bitching on here....but they might complain about the race I play or some BS like that...But all in all I play by the rules of the game, the point of this thread is to highlight cheating gets you nowhere!!!
I don't get it...if a f2p does this against a 29premade it's OK, but if it is the other way around, the world goes nuts...
Justification for a premade?!!? You don't need any, its the rules of the game, if blizz didn't want people Qing in premades they wouldn't of made it possible, eh.

Actually, many many moons ago you could queue into your friend's BG with a FULL premade by picking the same BG number as each other. But blizzard put a stop to that since they did not want premade "ruining the PvP experience".

Actually, many many moons ago you could queue into your friend's BG with a FULL premade by picking the same BG number as each other. But blizzard put a stop to that since they did not want premade "ruining the PvP experience".

Thats preposterous premades make the pvp's better to play with a team than morons who can't read chat
Actually, many many moons ago you could queue into your friend's BG with a FULL premade by picking the same BG number as each other. But blizzard put a stop to that since they did not want premade "ruining the PvP experience".


That's not completely nerfing premades though, very slight slight nerf yes, but within those changes they also premoted group game play by making it so when u Q with a group you're more likely to Q against another group. They cut out Qing in raid groups but you can still Q in a party group. Qing in a party, in blizz's eyes is fair...thats why it is the way it is right now.

And to be quite honest, in this bracket most of the good people Q with premades. It is very rare you see really skilled people always Qing solo, even if it is with a buddy or two. But I don't mind, it's what is legal in wow and within the ToS etc
Thats preposterous premades make the pvp's better to play with a team than morons who can't read chat
That is why you have Wargames.
They cut out Qing in raid groups but you can still Q in a party group. Qing in a party, in blizz's eyes is fair...thats why it is the way it is right now.
Perhaps. But still, 5 man queueing, as 29 and feral into random f2p pugs...?
Thats preposterous premades make the pvp's better to play with a team than morons who can't read chat

I am afraid that is something you need to take up with Blizzard a little over 8 years ago.

That's not completely nerfing premades though, very slight slight nerf yes, but within those changes they also premoted group game play by making it so when u Q with a group you're more likely to Q against another group. They cut out Qing in raid groups but you can still Q in a party group. Qing in a party, in blizz's eyes is fair...thats why it is the way it is right now.

And to be quite honest, in this bracket most of the good people Q with premades. It is very rare you see really skilled people always Qing solo, even if it is with a buddy or two. But I don't mind, it's what is legal in wow and within the ToS etc

Practically all I do is pug.
I would state just the opposite. "Most" of the better people prefer to solo queue, as they prefer not to rely on other players. It is quite easy to make yourself appear to be good when queueing with a group. But it is a whole different kettle of fish to be good when you queue alone.

Haters gonna hate hate hate!!!!

Outplayed?!?!, F2Ps were running their own premades...they actually had some decent players except their FC...gotta give them that. Managed to keep their FC from picking up the flag for the first 12 mins of the game yay me, until their whole team came for the flag!!!

Learn the jumps?!?!...I don't have time to learn how to jump on top of the fountain, mount up, then jump on the fence, then walk along the thin wall, then jump on the post, then jump down ,then use the tiger playtoy XD when your FC is gonna die from the other 9 members on their team!!!

Trinket sap?!?! allllll day long, its a 2 min CD after all right!!!!

All in all, keeping said glitchers from not capping the flag, not even was a good day to die hard!!!!

You know whats the funny thing about F2Ps, when they lose its always *Cry cry your 29 cry cry*, but when they win *I'm leet and your a shitty 29* LOL- they always got an excuse.

you're stupid in every aspect. and, I didn't use a tiger you fuck.
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