So how are you feeling about AB?


Taking a good deal of time to run to farm from your first spawn, or it's counterpart stables. Will Arathi Basin be a dull game of trying to catch up to the little bugger that's running away? - In the exact speed as you're chasing him.

Let me know if i'm missing something here.

AB is big to its size, and i get this funny picture where no one's really fighting, everyone's just running around trying to catch up to oneanother.

How do you feel about AB being introduced to this bracket?

As i said, let me know. :)
I'd love to do more ABs - but people seem to only queue WSG atm (within Blackout Battlegroup) because it have pops and until we're TRULY merged with the rest of the battlegroups I don't predict enough activity in the EU to get AB pops. (I queued on Al'akir, 2 minute pop - A guy on Trollbane didn't get a pop for another 30 minutes) - so there's not balance in it at the moment.

AB is a change and more open space / more 1v1, smaller battles (due to open space and no mass mounts). I like it :)
Due to how bursty the bracket is atm im prefering WSG. I'd much rather have the damage directed on an FC than myself thank you very much. Though having said that, the groups in AB zergs are smaller than WSG zergs and you dont get midifled farming in AB.

Anywho, i like AB as a BG, but it can seem slow at times.
No point below 20 IMO. Team with more rogues can run circles around the opposing due to the slow unmounted speed.(
i love AB i was in an AB on my 12 (xp-on of course) i was amazed how well horde did we won 1600-500. i also played on my priest horde won as well after that game no more ABs :(.

Since we do not have mounts it is rather slow but then again at 20-39 back in TBC/Vanilla people played AB w/o mounts. It just may seem "slow" since the bracket is Bursty and if you die you go to the GY and then you could end up going further back if the base is assaulted.
AkAPatriot said:
Taking a good deal of time to run to farm from your first spawn, or it's counterpart stables. Will Arathi Basin be a dull game of trying to catch up to the little bugger that's running away? - In the exact speed as you're chasing him.

Let me know if i'm missing something here.

AB is big to its size, and i get this funny picture where no one's really fighting, everyone's just running around trying to catch up to oneanother.

How do you feel about AB being introduced to this bracket?

As i said, let me know. :)

guess not too many remember playing AB at 29 and 39 with no mounts? or even wayback in 49 when players couldn't afford mounts

AB was just fine. many 29's and 39's felt that mounts ruined AB for those 2 brackets

19 druids and shamans have fast forms just like 29/39's and it wasn't game breaking

i would like too see more 19 AB action, but the problem now is too many brackets and too many BG selections can kill twinking.
I love unmounted bg's. It was best at 39 back in the day. The pacing is so different from mounted bg's. Whereas in mounted you can get back in a battle quickly, when you die here it matters. You're out of the battle for a long time,and it hurts your team. Your life and involvement teamwork-wise are much more valuable.

I don't get how people can say there's no point to ab below 20, that's just silly.
Well, you guys all ready know how I feel. Too big, but I had a crazy idea the other day of a never ending AB. Both sides don't cap a single flag and the game never ends! Only problem is no gys nearby. ;(
Duckhunt said:
Well, you guys all ready know how I feel. Too big, but I had a crazy idea the other day of a never ending AB. Both sides don't cap a single flag and the game never ends! Only problem is no gys nearby. ;(

I want in! First team to get 100,000 hks wins? :p
yea... neverending AB should be made so we can get the 300.000 damage or heals on 19s again... But one of those WSG midzergers (you know them? little dots on the map - not really moving towards any fc) would ruin it for us... need to be planned carefully to avoid the midzerger crowd.
If it's still not popping during AB weekend we should try to coordinate and get everyone (US and EU) to que between specific times. It is a lot of fun especially if you have a premade.
shanker said:
guess not too many remember playing AB at 29 and 39 with no mounts? or even wayback in 49 when players couldn't afford mounts

AB was just fine. many 29's and 39's felt that mounts ruined AB for those 2 brackets

19 druids and shamans have fast forms just like 29/39's and it wasn't game breaking

i would like too see more 19 AB action, but the problem now is too many brackets and too many BG selections can kill twinking.

I remember dying a little on the inside when I logged on my 39 mage to see everyone mounted in my ab game.

And years ago having half my 49 teams not have mounts wasn't too bothersome.

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