So how are you feeling about AB?

Chibils said:
I remember dying a little on the inside when I logged on my 39 mage to see everyone mounted in my ab game.

And years ago having half my 49 teams not have mounts wasn't too bothersome.

Wasn't there a short period of time when you could farm honor like crazy and get the PVP mount for lvl 39 twink? I remember there was no level requirement on the PvP mounts at first...and you go the riding skill with the mount. Needed to earn the "Knight" rank which would have been a nightmare for a level 39 but I seem to remember a few people getting it...can anyone confirm?
I wish I could get a AB game. :/

I have not seen a pop yet, and I always que for it when I'm queing for wsg.
One thing I want to get rid of in this new patch is the fact that it pulls you out of queues whenever a BG pops.

Pre-patch you could queue for WSG and AB, enter WSG for a midfield blast until AB popped, now it leaves the AB queue as soon as you enter WSG :(
I'm in big "Lubz" of AB, loved it on my 29 twink w/o mounts. Don't see why it shouldn't be fun at 19 w/o mounts :D

Kristopher said:
Wasn't there a short period of time when you could farm honor like crazy and get the PVP mount for lvl 39 twink? I remember there was no level requirement on the PvP mounts at first...and you go the riding skill with the mount. Needed to earn the "Knight" rank which would have been a nightmare for a level 39 but I seem to remember a few people getting it...can anyone confirm?

Well it was at 49, but yeah, back in Vanilla people at 49 could grind their rank up to Commander(i think) and the 100% mount had a level req at 40. This was before mounts were made available at 30, and then at 20. So you're almost right ;)
Kristopher said:
Wasn't there a short period of time when you could farm honor like crazy and get the PVP mount for lvl 39 twink? I remember there was no level requirement on the PvP mounts at first...and you go the riding skill with the mount. Needed to earn the "Knight" rank which would have been a nightmare for a level 39 but I seem to remember a few people getting it...can anyone confirm?

I did the grind the very first time around during vanilla, and the epic pvp mounts without lvl Req. were from rank 11 (lt. general/commander). I'm unsure about 39, but IIRC the farthest we could get as 49 twinks was rank 9. We had to level above 49 to be able to advance any further, but we were able to get to 11 while in the 59 bracket and were rockin the epic mount in 50-59 bracket
Ahh that's right you would be one of the only ones with a 100% speed mount though since normally those were only available at level 60. Man good times.

I was always a really big fan of AB. I don't mind waiting on a single point to defend it but there are ways to be more active than that. If you don't like AB then it's probably because you've just had bad luck on what groups you've gotten. It takes good communication and a different kind of strategy to come back in a losing AB...I like the challenge.
shanker said:
guess not too many remember playing AB at 29 and 39 with no mounts? or even wayback in 49 when players couldn't afford mounts.

I sure remember it to be too slow for my taste, altho that's just my opinion, there are bound to be other opinions aswell. =p
Detroit said:
One thing I want to get rid of in this new patch is the fact that it pulls you out of queues whenever a BG pops.

Pre-patch you could queue for WSG and AB, enter WSG for a midfield blast until AB popped, now it leaves the AB queue as soon as you enter WSG :(

Everyone queues up for both, WSG pops first (obviously) and people enter WSG, ending their AB queue. Viscous circle. WTB queuing for BGs INSDE BGs back.
Duckhunt said:
Well, you guys all ready know how I feel. Too big, but I had a crazy idea the other day of a never ending AB. Both sides don't cap a single flag and the game never ends! Only problem is no gys nearby. ;(

A premade could be purposely setup for achievement whores that want Damage Control (300k damage/healing done) using this.
Llare said:
Everyone queues up for both, WSG pops first (obviously) and people enter WSG, ending their AB queue. Viscous circle. WTB queuing for BGs INSDE BGs back.

lol no, that was terrible. i hated when i was playing wsg and ab popped and our d would lose 3 support. heck, i've seen FC's just drop the damn flag and switch bg's. It wasn't healthy for the game, now people have a reason to stay and see the game through.
Grunge said:
lol no, that was terrible. i hated when i was playing wsg and ab popped and our d would lose 3 support. heck, i've seen FC's just drop the damn flag and switch bg's. It wasn't healthy for the game, now people have a reason to stay and see the game through.

at the expense of ab pops :(
I'm really disappointed by the lack of AB pops. We're probably the only xp off bracket with the numbers to pull it off, yet no one ques.

I also rolled a 39 hoping they'd take advantage of other maps, but it's the same thing.

Oh well, end game pvp is looking good in cata from what I hear.
lindenkron said:
at the expense of ab pops :(

i agree it sucks, but you have to understand: one full bg is better than two half full bg's. id rather people complain ab never pops than bitch about how warsong sucks because people always leave halfway through and completely fuck over their team. or have people complain they cant win AB because their side never starts with enough people and they lose the breakout.

at least AB is an option now. I think people will start playing it more as time goes on.

edit: maybe we as a community can start an AB weekend event? have everyone que for ab only and not warsong?
That's not entirely how it works atm Grunge - You missed an important point.

We don't just have "1-2 wsgs" constantly running any more. Due to this "half merge" of BGs there's multiply wsgs ranging from 2-10 running simultaneously. But as explained earlier; WSG pops first due to requiring less people - when people then enter WSG, the AB queues is forfeited and thereby it create extra warsongs yet no abs.
I think AB is gonna be great once it gets going, i.e. after merged queues are fixed and expansion leveling. Imagine quality pre-mades and the options for strategy. Of course, I'm in the pug getting mowed down by Waw Tawent...., but that's another story.

And I'd love to see the ultimate 19 twink status symbol: a no-level-req. mount for so many HKs or for Master of WSG...
Quality? Strategie? You mean half the time you run across the BG? Yeah.

I used to play AB on my 29 during BC and this BG was just alright nothing more.
Lmfao. Kids don't remember hitting 40 and it being like Christmas, paying A LOT for NORMAL mount, and being excited about it. I absolutely loved 29 mountless AB, mounts ruined that bracket, for sure. A lot of these people are spoiled by the fastpaced nature of the game now, demand instant gratification, don't appreciate taking time to get somewhere and do something :(
Lawlpurge said:
Lmfao. Kids don't remember hitting 40 and it being like Christmas, paying A LOT for NORMAL mount, and being excited about it. I absolutely loved 29 mountless AB, mounts ruined that bracket, for sure. A lot of these people are spoiled by the fastpaced nature of the game now, demand instant gratification, don't appreciate taking time to get somewhere and do something :(

i started saving for it from level 27. It was SO exciting!!! Also i finally got to equip my badass mail gear that i'd been collecting for that point :)
Lawlpurge said:
Lmfao. Kids don't remember hitting 40 and it being like Christmas, paying A LOT for NORMAL mount, and being excited about it. I absolutely loved 29 mountless AB, mounts ruined that bracket, for sure. A lot of these people are spoiled by the fastpaced nature of the game now, demand instant gratification, don't appreciate taking time to get somewhere and do something :(

I'm sure that alot of these "kids" you're talking about actually do remember these times, and i remember running around in AB trying to catch up to other people, also running but in the opposite direction. :p

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