So farming..

ridingon24 said:
i dont see a 20-24 forum... do you

fixed my post i meant 20-29 but anyway go post in the main 20-29 Bracket and let the ppl that play 20's and ppl that xp lock at 20 post here
ridingon24 said:
@nohealsforu you play a 24 rogue and dont gy farm.....seriously?

yes. I play to win. Also you were trolling earlier by stating you Gy farm. I don't support GY farming at all. Just leads to People raging, QQ and flame wars it would just be better of every one just not Gy farmed and played objectively. Of course you can have fun with MF wars. i would much rather have people camping MF than camping Gy since a rogue or stealther can escape much easily and cap much easily if every one was in the GY instead of MF.

Also the difference between MF farming and GY farming is simple you camp the spawn most of the time people are not prepared. So you attack an unprepared player and most of the time they may be newbies so they are more likely to do nothing after getting killed over and over again. Also, if it is a complete faceroll try not to make it obvious by camping their GY instead let them get grouped kill a few people and then kill them it will at least lead to them losing with a bit of confidence.
I don't see where there's a problem holding the flag in your base. If you're on the opposing team, get together and zerg the EFC. If we had to compare, this is much more acceptable than farming the gy and coming on the forums and spilling the 'im so pro, i beat you, blah blah blah' routine. Ridingon24, who is your hunter, btw?
do you really think i m some kind of dumbass troll who gives his character name so that i will get hate whisper spams
Pwnadin said:
I don't see where there's a problem holding the flag in your base. If you're on the opposing team, get together and zerg the EFC. If we had to compare, this is much more acceptable than farming the gy and coming on the forums and spilling the 'im so pro, i beat you, blah blah blah' routine. Ridingon24, who is your hunter, btw?

The problem is you can't get past the gy to even get to the efc. The only way it would be possible while being camped is as a rogue. But considering you'd be attacked before you stealth it's impossible to get there unless your team somehow manages to recover.
Nohealsforju said:
well it is obvious you are on spirestone in the guild riding on 24s.... i mean you named yourself that and there is a guild by that name as well.

ever heard of a red herring?
Namelezz said:
The problem is you can't get past the gy to even get to the efc. The only way it would be possible while being camped is as a rogue. But considering you'd be attacked before you stealth it's impossible to get there unless your team somehow manages to recover.

If these two scenarios are happening to you simultaneously, you need to quit WoW. That's pretty epic fail. Totally preventable - don't let efc cross mid. Teamwork. focus fire. burn heals. etc etc etc. But i see where you're coming from.
allahkazam said:
so next time don't accuse me of GY farming when I in fact do not do it. I don't give a **** that you took it to a PM. The community needs to know that I don't GY farm.

Negative. I only took it to a PM to save you from embarrassment. Stop being to emotional over this, ffs.
Namelezz said:
The issue with gy farming is it's a complete waste of yours and your opponents time. Who cares if "they did it first". What is this kindergarten now? If you won you won, fair as that. Keeping the flag in your base while the rest of your team griefs your opponents is just pathetic beyond words I can describe.

It's not like it means your skilled either. I don't know how many times I've seen people in BG Chat e-peen flexing because they were top damage. Then when I check my map they're down by the opponents gy. It doesn't make you skilled in any way, shape, or form to kill 1 person right when they spawn with 4 other people backing you up.

The only time I would find killing anyone at the gy feasible is when you grab the flag, and go through the gy and they spawn right when you pass. To me that would be one reason to kill them at the gy. Otherwise no, just no.


It's attacking someone who has just taken a dump before he can hoist his pants up, or, if one prefers a more 'sporty' comparison, playing a running match and then knee-capping the other contenders.

In a more cut-and-dried clinical view (in no particular order):

- it's locking out people from playing the game, which with all the qeueing and waiting already involved in WoW isn't something that's beneficial and hurts even more because it's a timed game so recovering , if it even happens, is often too late;

- it hampers people from developing actual PvP skills, both for the camper and the campee;

- it leads to a cycle of senseless camping and other bracket disruptive features like 24's, without actually 'really' getting the real culprits, as they just tend to leave when their side gets in a camping situation.

For example, of all the dozens of 'wee camping is fun lololol!' Alliance (and Horde btw) that polute the EU scene, the actual number that is willing to 'eat' a camping when they are the camped can be counted on the fingers of one hand - leaving people that have nothing to do with all this the only victims.

Games are social exercises, and as such require social behaviour. Camping is not.
Nohealsforju said:
i. I am still looking for some good points against Gy farming to throw at a GM hopefully we can put an End to Gy farming and make it a ban-able offense. Or much better get the Warsong Gy fixed... (well only in normal Battle ground pretty sure people do not farm in Rated BGs since they just want their conquest points/ rating)

Gave a couple of pointers in the other Thread:

Many GM's (at leats EU wise) are oft-tunnel visioned end-cap players so anything that goes beyond Raids is often hard to grasp for them. In my experirence your best hope is that you get one of the RP-GM's as they tend to be the most helpful, and generally a bit older/less out to flash their e-peen.

With a F2P account I wouldn't expect too much service, though, as because of that background they seem to often treat you as ''can play for free and still complaints'' (even though of course such a stance goes completely counter to the idea of F2P as a marketting tool - you want to reel those people in as P2P)

Basically keep ticketing every couple of days in case of new incidents, as this means the tally of 'camping complaints' will go up, and you'll most likely keep getting different GM's.

Points you can bring up (sprinkle your ticket at leisure) :

- they introduced the time-limit on WSG exactly to counter this kind of behaviour.

If it was a tactic to be supported, there is no reason for time-limits, especially because people don't need specific Battleground marks anymore (and hence a clear moment the game ends, to dole out the Marks).

- in the Battlechest Guides and other places (including the EU Forum post where the WSG GY change was originally announced; they later backpedaled on it a bit by saying that the GY change was only to dumb down the niche entertainment that is RBG's) , Blizzard says it frowns on GY camping and it can only 'legitimately' occur in AV as there capturing GY's is a legitimate BG objective.

So if they say ''GY/Spawn camping is a legitimate tactic in WSG' (and I would try to press them to answer wether it is in a straight manner) it's an even more legitmate question why they changed their earlier POV.

(the answer is probably because they want to market the game to atavistic troglodytes but they're not going to say that out loud ofc)

- Point out that camping is rife in the Trial bracket and ask directly wether this is the kind of game their marketting department wants to offer to people trying out their game.

Most likely they'll come up with some standard customer reply ("we don't get many tickets about this'') to which you can answer with the question if there is any data on how many try-out players are aware of the Ticket function, and how many of those PvP.

Of course, I wouldn't expect any miracles, as Blizzard /cares without limits.
Pwnadin said:
I don't see where there's a problem holding the flag in your base. If you're on the opposing team, get together and zerg the EFC. If we had to compare, this is much more acceptable than farming the gy

True, it can also require more skill (planning CC etc.), in fact the most interesting games I had in (then) 10-19 were the situations were both sides were holding their first flag and the whole cat-and-mouse game of peeling it away took place.

Pre-Cata so ''zerg'' was less possible ofc, but yeah, one has to wonder why Blizz is so up and about the 'leet skeelz' of RBG's if they their target audience apparently can't even handle a 25 minute cliffhanger.
Hardc0re said:
You can't say all you want against GY Camping, but it's not against Blizzard's rules guys

Realistically speaking things that obviously ARE against Blizz rules don't get punished, either.

But: you're now mainly talking about A - the opportunity aspect - and as said above, Blizz (used to) take(s) a dim view on it.

Considering how rife it is in the Marketting Bracket, and how deterimental it is at whatever angle you look at it (as evidenced by e.g. campers hardly ever 'eating' being camped themselves; apparently it isn't actually that much fun, despite the flashing e-peen ) , one can always hope Blizz stops /caring and starts caring.

And of course the question remains wether B (social control) can be strong enough against it, and in what form it can take place.
Pwnadin said:
If these two scenarios are happening to you simultaneously, you need to quit WoW. That's pretty epic fail. Totally preventable - don't let efc cross mid. Teamwork. focus fire. burn heals. etc etc etc. But i see where you're coming from.

What? Tell me how it's preventable to not get gy camped. It's not, it happens every game. And by the rogue I mean he's going to get mauled by AoE considering any smart player will spam AoE on the gy so they can prevent rogues from getting through.

Although I can't remember what levels classes get their AoE, I think warlocks get rain of fire at 18 or 20, but I haven't seen that many so far. Also even "smarter campers" stand on the gy spawn so they can just "cleave" spam your team.

I don't really see the point of what you're trying to say tbh. Go around the gy? Umm last time I checked blizzard lowered the gy height so you can't go around the ramp anymore.

And it does happen, I'm not sure how often it is on horde side but I've had at least 4-5 games with the majority of players under 1k health. Some even at 500. It's not like they are going to be able to stop the spawn camping if they get one shot.

And saying "you need to quit wow" tells me you take this too seriously. Lighten up, it's a game :p

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