So farming..

I really cant express how much I am disgusted by the idea of prolonging a game you've already won in order to grief your opponents. I swear this is the first game I've seen people go that low. It's so far away from my aproach to gaming that I am baffled by it and don't really know how to defend my stance against it. It's just...low...and gay...and sad and pathetic. Do you get bullied at school and need to do it to people in game? I am not saying all kids that farm do, but it's the only logical explanation I can see...
Personally I never saw the point in gy farming. All you're doing is lengthening the game and being a complete prick. When I pvp, I like having a challenge. Not ganking every single person I see with my whole team. That doesn't appeal to me, I feel more satisfied when I kill someone else on my own.

I'm sorry but if you gy farm you have 0 respect from me.
Greetings Yim,

This is Game Master Shendranikus. I apologize for not being able to contact you directly about your petition. However, I have received and reviewed your petition in regards to "farming" honor.

As it turns out, this method of gaining honor is not against our policy. Keep in mind that there is a 25 minute timer for the battleground, and when it reaches zero the winning team is decided by how many flags have been captured. It's also a strategy to prevent the other team from capping your flag, as they would need their flag returned to their base before being able to do so.

Let us know if something is amiss by selecting "Need More Help", and submitting more information. May your battles be epic, your crits be hits, and your lewtz phat!



Blizzard Shit Entertainment

Blizzard Support

GMs know how to dodge questions oh here is my original non-edited question

Excuse me Blizzard i was recently entered a Warsong Gulch game and it had 6 minutes left i noticed that the Flag carrier was in the flag room but not capping. He stated that the team wanted to "farm" the horde team which means they wanted to camp their spawn. I didn't know how long they did it but when i entered i asked the flag carrier to cap since i didn't fully support this type of play i was wondering what is you stance on it, Is it a bannable offense?

(ya i know shitty spelling when your pissed and you want to fit into the 200 character minimum it is hard to see what letters you missed)
Nohealsforju said:
Greetings Yim,

This is Game Master Shendranikus. I apologize for not being able to contact you directly about your petition. However, I have received and reviewed your petition in regards to "farming" honor.

As it turns out, this method of gaining honor is not against our policy. Keep in mind that there is a 25 minute timer for the battleground, and when it reaches zero the winning team is decided by how many flags have been captured. It's also a strategy to prevent the other team from capping your flag, as they would need their flag returned to their base before being able to do so.

Let us know if something is amiss by selecting "Need More Help", and submitting more information. May your battles be epic, your crits be hits, and your lewtz phat!



Blizzard Shit Entertainment

Blizzard Support

GMs know how to dodge questions oh here is my original non-edited question

Excuse me Blizzard i was recently entered a Warsong Gulch game and it had 6 minutes left i noticed that the Flag carrier was in the flag room but not capping. He stated that the team wanted to "farm" the horde team which means they wanted to camp their spawn. I didn't know how long they did it but when i entered i asked the flag carrier to cap since i didn't fully support this type of play i was wondering what is you stance on it, Is it a bannable offense?

(ya i know shitty spelling when your pissed and you want to fit into the 200 character minimum it is hard to see what letters you missed)

I gave a couple of pointers you can use in your tickets in the Hall of Shame Thread.

From the answer you got, it's fairly obvious that the GM in question had little to no knowledge of PvP, as the time-limits were put in place exactly to counter this kind of lame behaviour.

And (out of curiosity) you can ask wether this (now all of a sudden - see my post in Hall of Shame) 'legitimate' tactic ever occurs in Rated Battlegrounds on a large as scale as in the Marketting Bracket, and, if not, why Blizzard wants to encourage people to learn and depend on apparently faulty (otherwise they'd be used in RBG's, the supposed pinnacle of WoW PvP) tactics.
Tinkerton said:
I gave a couple of pointers you can use in your tickets in the Hall of Shame Thread.

Sadly said Thread is Locked now, but if you want I can repost them.

In my personal opinion, if one of the aims of TI is that Blizzard takes pre- current end game PvP more seriously, instead of avoiding the issue of camping and making it a taboo subject, I'd take a far more public stance against it.

Sure, it will entice some people to post the usual 'trolololol ur twinks' replies, but by showing you're not afraid to tackle problem issues head-on and taking responsibility ( esp. where Blizzard argueably is failing) one is IMO more likely to be taken seriously by those you want to reach in the first place than by 'don't ask - don't tell'.
Kore nametooshort said:
We do not. This thread is relatively constructive, the other one named and shamed. There is a difference.


However, in games (and society in general) there are basically two ways to prevent deviant behaviour:

A) take away/reduce the opportunity to perform said deviant behaviour;


B) make the social cost of performing said deviant behaviour too high for people to perform it even when the opportunity presents itself.

With criminal law issues, A) is covered by things like cameras, locks and bolts etc. and B) is better known as social control, the effect of which largely depends on the morals of the peer group the possible perp looks up to (which includes the classic 'fell in with bad friends' issue: if the perp values their opinion the most, and they don't denounce or even applaud otherwise deviant behaviour, it's more than likely the perp will perform the action given the opportunity)

With WoW we see a similar situation:

A (opportunity) is set by Blizzard (GY shift, rampant class/gear imbalance etc.) , B is both an aspect of Blizz and the player base.

As Blizzard /cares without bounds, there is little to expect from Blizz to correct the situation, let alone within a reasonable time span.

Social control however is something that can be achieved by the playerbase, and more to the point by a subculture that identifies itself as a certain group ie Twinks.

If certain deviant behaviour like GY/spawn camping is not met by the control mechanisms that social control ipso facto has to resort to - people that display said behaviour get a certain negative reputation that influences their dealings within the group - the only end result will be that there are NO correcting mechanisms in place, as the opportunity issue is squarely in hands of the programmers - who /care without bounds.

In other words:

if TI truly believes GY/spawn camping is wrong (as is professed to a certain, IMO small, extent on the WoW Fora whenever 'evil twinks' are just being 'evil twinks'), what other correctial measures does it have in mind if social control is out of the question?
Is this really that serious of a problem? I wasn't aware this was GM ticket material. I cannot see how this is against the ToA in any shape or form. It's not like you're given x amount of time to cap before the flag is ripped from your back or you spontaneously combust. Imo, you just have to get it together to rip the EFC apart. I haven't been doing much PvP lately so I genuinely have no idea. *disclaimer - this post was not intended to insult anyone in any way shape or form. Just asking a serious question*
Pwn, things have gotten REALLY bad, 98% of my games end up being killed as soon as I rez.

Originally Posted by Kore nametooshort

We do not. This thread is relatively constructive, the other one named and shamed. There is a difference.


However, in games (and society in general) there are basically two ways to prevent deviant behaviour:

A) take away/reduce the opportunity to perform said deviant behaviour;


B) make the social cost of performing said deviant behaviour too high for people to perform it even when the opportunity presents itself.

With criminal law issues, A) is covered by things like cameras, locks and bolts etc. and B) is better known as social control, the effect of which largely depends on the morals of the peer group the possible perp looks up to (which includes the classic 'fell in with bad friends' issue: if the perp values their opinion the most, and they don't denounce or even applaud otherwise deviant behaviour, it's more than likely the perp will perform the action given the opportunity)

With WoW we see a similar situation:

A (opportunity) is set by Blizzard (GY shift, rampant class/gear imbalance etc.) , B is both an aspect of Blizz and the player base.

As Blizzard /cares without bounds, there is little to expect from Blizz to correct the situation, let alone within a reasonable time span.

Social control however is something that can be achieved by the playerbase, and more to the point by a subculture that identifies itself as a certain group ie Twinks.

If certain deviant behaviour like GY/spawn camping is not met by the control mechanisms that social control ipso facto has to resort to - people that display said behaviour get a certain negative reputation that influences their dealings within the group - the only end result will be that there are NO correcting mechanisms in place, as the opportunity issue is squarely in hands of the programmers - who /care without bounds.

In other words:

if TI truly believes GY/spawn camping is wrong (as is professed to a certain, IMO small, extent on the WoW Fora whenever 'evil twinks' are just being 'evil twinks'), what other correctial measures does it have in mind if social control is out of the question?

Quoted for awesome truth and much more eloquent than I could ever manage.
Pookums said:
Pwn, things have gotten REALLY bad, 98% of my games end up being killed as soon as I rez.

Quoted for awesome truth and much more eloquent than I could ever manage.

Stop being bad and pay for the game. 12 year old kid lmfao Blizzard will always cater to paying customers than poor 12 year olds who cant afford wow QQ more get gy farmed kid
Pwnadin said:
Is this really that serious of a problem? I wasn't aware this was GM ticket material. I cannot see how this is against the ToA in any shape or form. It's not like you're given x amount of time to cap before the flag is ripped from your back or you spontaneously combust. Imo, you just have to get it together to rip the EFC apart. I haven't been doing much PvP lately so I genuinely have no idea. *disclaimer - this post was not intended to insult anyone in any way shape or form. Just asking a serious question*

still waiting for you to stop dodging and tell me the twink I gy farm on and which one of yours always kills me 1v1.
Stop being bad and pay for the game. 12 year old kid lmfao Blizzard will always cater to paying customers than poor 12 year olds who cant afford wow QQ more get gy farmed kid

Try again, I'm no kid, I'm married with 4 kids most likely older than you. I have a family to support and can't justify paying for something that at the moment isn't all that enjoyable.

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