Skill Ratio/pugs/venting

and how is 19s competitive when i was top of alliance bg on a 10 mm hunter which has 1 button.......................................................

So you chain suicided at gy for 15 minutes and racked up some damage between each death. Cool, happens in imbalanced matches in every bracket.
1v1 me bro

You would bring that "1v1" up. You classless jerkoff. What happens in the duel, stays in the duel. You and I BOTH know that, for crying out loud.
I feel as Mocha does, as do many other old schoolers concerning the lowest tier of the twinking bracket. And that is why many players leave and queues don't pop as often as they used to pop. We have seen people come and people go. There are very very few of us left from the original TI days. Some of us have watched silently as the changes happened because we are not as egomaniacal as the others, modest if you will. But it has gotten to the point that the lowest tiered bracket is just that. For the lowest tiered players. Players they feel the need to always stack the deck in their favor. And that is why they roll FotM, always roll with in a gang and always roll with voice comm. And then when they do well they consider themselves "elite" even when their premade team beat a PuG. Well, I got news for you, twinking really is not that hard.
Have a wonderful weekend.


Twinking has always been about fotm, if you think otherwise you need to take off your rose tinted goggles, they're broken af.
Twinking has always been about fotm, if you think otherwise you need to take off your rose tinted goggles, they're broken af.

That is where you are incorrect.
Pre xp-off, twinks were not made on a whim. We planned them. You had to plan them. You spent time on them. They were an art. Unlike today's twinks.


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