US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

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Wednesday's screenshot of the week #28:

Who else managed to obtain a winter hat on one of their 19s?
Sunday's videos of the week #28:


Drizzy be killin' 'em. Not feeling Tyga though.


I've had enough of this madness on YouTube! Good video though!
I used to laugh at Pizza's weekly videos, then I took an arrow to the knee.
Wednesday's screenshot of the week #29:

Charlysheen, 19 human paladin

Why are you applying to join Waw Tawent? What sparked your interest?

-I am applying to Waw Tawent because I've heard good things about you, I've seen you in action plenty before, I

know you guys are the best around, and I know a few people in that guild. What sparked my interest was the fact

that the 19 bracket is useless to me without a good premading guild and I want that to change.

When was the first time you heard about or noticed our guild?

-Probably a year or 2 ago when all of the battle groups conjoined.

How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket?

-I've been playing in the 19 bracket since I started playing the game so about 5 years more or less. There is

nothing that I enjoy more and have spent more time on then the 19 twink bracket.

How long have you been playing WoW?

-I've been playing for about 5 years.

Have you or do you play in another bracket other than 19?

-Aside from the level capped brackets I played in the 24, 29, 39, 49, and 70 brackets.

In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself?

-I would say I know alot about my class seeing as how since I started twinking my main twink has always been a

paladin. This is my 4th twink paladin and I enjoy playing paladins more than any other. I would say I know all

there is to know about my class and the setting that I'm surrounded with.

Picture of your twink's UI:


Armory of your twink:

Grats on 250k. Kinda suprised noone has made trial accounts to do this before you.
Charley is that clicking UI

Not WT material if youclick
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