US Should the Cup be renamed?

Should the Cup be renamed?

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Super Moderator
Should the Cup be renamed?

If so, what should it be called?


It should not be renamed as long as Myrm is hosting it.
Should Myrm not Host the Twink Cup?

If so, who should host it?

I vote conq
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I'm alright with Twink Cup. But if it does change, 19 Cup would be more relevant to the bracket.
Are we trying to get rid of the word "twink"? If that is the case I would rename it, idk what to. But if we don't care if the word "twink" is still being used then keep it.
Keep the name the same. I don't get why we need to stray away from what we've been known as for as long as we have existed.
Ultimately it would be smart to have the name be an advertisement to the website/owner(s) that funds the tournament. Marketing team for the tournament???
The Tournament of Champions, i know an event happened many years ago with that name but it's a great name for hype.
This is actually a really good idea. It allows for the TC name to continue being used while the twink word is removed.
Removing the word tw1nk is the 4th dumbest thing I've heard in my life. It doesn't matter. Nobody is getting this fantasy partnership with blizzard it's not going to happen sorry. The word tw1nk has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that this is NOT how they want the game to be played regardless of whether they allow us to turn our xp off or not they just did that to make us seem like they care. We struggled for years to get pops, we're not able to BG with xp on players, they obviously don't want this. The partnership will not happen ever. The censorship of that word is ridiculous. Most people feel the same way. We have and always will be referred to as tw1nks. Not once has someone whispered me and said "hey man nice gear you must be an XP-offer huh?" If probably hunt them down irl if they did. It's stupid guys. What should I change my guild name to? <XPoffers Eat XPoffies>? I love this site and the new feel, the better moderation and support, but we're going just a little too far here. And what do we want this partnership for? So we can go over a 10k prize pool? Are you kidding me? It's a video game guys let's treat it like one. And you may as well accept donations until the end date then send it on over to SR before it even starts. It should remain the Tw1nk Cup or the Skill Ratio Cup. Maybe every years champion takes the title of the cup? Or whatever team has the most wins total holds it?
Anyways that's my 2 cents.

Edit: Dorigon just called it "the Tink word" somebody please shoot me.
Removing the word tw1nk is the 4th dumbest thing I've heard in my life. It doesn't matter. Nobody is getting this fantasy partnership with blizzard it's not going to happen sorry. The word tw1nk has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that this is NOT how they want the game to be played regardless of whether they allow us to turn our xp off or not they just did that to make us seem like they care. We struggled for years to get pops, we're not able to BG with xp on players, they obviously don't want this. The partnership will not happen ever. The censorship of that word is ridiculous. Most people feel the same way. We have and always will be referred to as tw1nks. Not once has someone whispered me and said "hey man nice gear you must be an XP-offer huh?" If probably hunt them down irl if they did. It's stupid guys. What should I change my guild name to? <XPoffers Eat XPoffies>? I love this site and the new feel, the better moderation and support, but we're going just a little too far here. And what do we want this partnership for? So we can go over a 10k prize pool? Are you kidding me? It's a video game guys let's treat it like one. And you may as well accept donations until the end date then send it on over to SR before it even starts. It should remain the Tw1nk Cup or the Skill Ratio Cup. Maybe every years champion takes the title of the cup? Or whatever team has the most wins total holds it?
Anyways that's my 2 cents.

Edit: Dorigon just called it "the Tink word" somebody please shoot me.

Removing "tink" was not for partnership with blizzard, rather it was to get approved for AdSense and to let this site start gaining revenue again. There is bills to pay.

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