US Should the Cup be renamed?

Should the Cup be renamed?

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Curley Cup
Removing the word tw1nk is the 4th dumbest thing I've heard in my life. It doesn't matter. Nobody is getting this fantasy partnership with blizzard it's not going to happen sorry. The word tw1nk has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that this is NOT how they want the game to be played regardless of whether they allow us to turn our xp off or not they just did that to make us seem like they care. We struggled for years to get pops, we're not able to BG with xp on players, they obviously don't want this. The partnership will not happen ever. The censorship of that word is ridiculous. Most people feel the same way. We have and always will be referred to as tw1nks. Not once has someone whispered me and said "hey man nice gear you must be an XP-offer huh?" If probably hunt them down irl if they did. It's stupid guys. What should I change my guild name to? <XPoffers Eat XPoffies>? I love this site and the new feel, the better moderation and support, but we're going just a little too far here. And what do we want this partnership for? So we can go over a 10k prize pool? Are you kidding me? It's a video game guys let's treat it like one. And you may as well accept donations until the end date then send it on over to SR before it even starts. It should remain the Tw1nk Cup or the Skill Ratio Cup. Maybe every years champion takes the title of the cup? Or whatever team has the most wins total holds it?
Anyways that's my 2 cents.

Edit: Dorigon just called it "the Tink word" somebody please shoot me.

Agree 100%. So dumb that it's censored. Silly adsense nonsense...
Removing "tink" was not for partnership with blizzard, rather it was to get approved for AdSense and to let this site start gaining revenue again. There is bills to pay.
Maybe in the title, but people can say it on the forums and we still would have gotten approved I guarantee it.
Tweaked Cup...
Don't changed it. From a marketing stand point it would be a mistake if you/we strayed too far from the original name.
When talking about it in trade, people should refer to it as "tw1nk cup" as opposed to the "TC". People not in know have no idea what "TC" even means. We want/new more people to become Tw1nks. More equals shorter queue times. We can teach them. Help them. Nurture them in the ways of the lowbie universe.
Without new people joining we have no one to fill the ranks of all these people that are leaving or being ran off.
The Tournament of Champions, i know an event happened many years ago with that name but it's a great name for hype.
Nailed it! :)

This is actually a really good idea. It allows for the TC name to continue being used while the tink word is removed.
I agree 100% If a name change were to occur, this would be the best solution.

Removing "tink" was not for partnership with blizzard, rather it was to get approved for AdSense and to let this site start gaining revenue again. There is bills to pay.
A partnership with Blizzard isn't that far fetched of a goal especially if the tink word is changed. The tink word certainly wasn't helping our efforts, that I'm sure the community can agree on.

Tweaked Cup...
Don't changed it. From a marketing stand point it would be a mistake if you/we strayed too far from the original name.
When talking about it in trade, people should refer to it as "tw1nk cup" as opposed to the "TC". People not in know have no idea what "TC" even means. We want/new more people to become Tw1nks. More equals shorter queue times. We can teach them. Help them. Nurture them in the ways of the lowbie universe.
Without new people joining we have no one to fill the ranks of all these people that are leaving or being ran off.
I feel as if the Tournament of Champions would spark more interest in trade rather then Tink Cup or Tweaked Cup. Especially if the player isn't aware of the tink word or what tinking was in general.

My intentions with this poll were to expose the idea that the tink word is holding the TC back. It certainly isn't helping. Googling the tink word for a WoW use feels unnecessary and clunky. I understand that the original name feels more grass roots then Tournament of Champions. Getting new players for our community should be the ultimate goal tho. Not keeping an outdated old term that we're trying to move past. With all due respect going to @Myrm and his original name.

This is the 3rd year of our beloved tournament and getting Blizzard involved feels like a realistic goal that isn't that far fetched...

Getting Blizzard involved with the TC would blow the doors off this tournament and expose the community in a positive way! That should be the new goal! Heck we got Adsense. We ditched the tink word. We have a new website that kicks ass. Getting Blizzard involved feels like the next logical goal...

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The Western Indonesian Night Workers Cup or T.W.I.N.K cup
Depends if the word "twi nk" will hinder us from promoting the event. If it does, make a new alternative name that will be it's official name. We can always call it TC when speaking to fellow twinkers.
Googled "WoW Tw ink"...
First thing listed was a WoWwiki page
Second thing listed...
Why on God's green Earth would we want to change the name when that name is what we are? WoW tw1nks... If you or anyone else has a hang up about it perhaps you should find something else to play.

Don't we want people to be pointed to this website after all?

Googled "MMO tw1nk"
First page was a Wiki devoted specifically to gaming tw1nks.

It is only how you let yourself perceive the word. People that play MMOs know what tw1nks are. They are people that enjoy playing lowbie characters at their maximum potential in PvP combat. And min/maxing those character with the best gear, proffesions, buffs etc. possible.
If you all feel you have to be PC because of a silly name you don't agree with that some of us have used for a decade in a video game at the expense of XPoff potentially getting site income, then so be it.
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This is not about changing who we are or anything remotely that abstract. This is, to my understanding, a simple question of financing this website, and hopefully future tournaments and events through AdSense, which we were unable to get on TI.

The same goes for the TC, if our name hinders us in any way, I'd say get a new one. It's not the name that matters, but how it turns out.
I'd figure that it would be more of a hassle/problem doing so as you lose some followers maybe who just google search Twin k Cup and find their way through forum links to viewing the streams they are trying to watch or w.e via that process.... renaming might lose some of the promotion that was already done, such as the people I saw on my own realm Tichondrius informing trade chat about the Twink Cup on a regular basis awhile ago in the past.... random players who dont play the bracket but are planning to watch, or would watch is who I mean would likely be lost in viewerbase from name change.

Its also easy to always just promote it again once the name is changed.... but would it not be more intelligent as to stick with the same name? Blizzard is really not pro-twinking as a whole, a handful or 2 of rare GM's are tho
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If the powers that be were to decide that a name change was to their advantage, my advice would be to morph them together in the couple weeks leading up to the tourney. Now is just too early. We are over 3 months away.
Something like "Level 19 Galatic Championship" formally known as the "Tw1nk Cup".
Level 19 should be included in the title. To many players, tw1inking is other brackets. Or even other levels.
Votes are a lot closer than I thought they would be when I first saw this.

Only you could have made this thread @Sketchbag I'm abstaining in my vote tho, as I believe such a decision only Myrm can influence. Seeing lots of good discussion tho.
Leave it alone. tw1nk is not holding anything back. It's honestly pathetic that we can't even use a word thats been used as our identity for as long as we have existed. Uggh
I'd figure that it would be more of a hassle/problem doing so as you lose some followers maybe who just google search Twin k Cup and find their way through forum links to viewing the streams they are trying to watch or w.e via that process.... renaming might lose some of the promotion that was already done, such as the people I saw on my own realm Tichondrius informing trade chat about the TC on a regular basis awhile ago in the past.... random players who dont play the bracket but are planning to watch, or would watch is who I mean would likely be lost in viewerbase from name change.

Its also easy to always just promote it again once the name is changed.... but would it not be more intelligent as to stick with the same name? Blizzard is really not pro-tinkering as a whole, a handful or 2 of rare GM's are tho
This is what I've been saying. Who cares about Blizzards opinion?
I should note that as someone who has identified as a Twink since 2004 I feel the name should have been replaced when experience was eliminated back in WotLK
Honestly nobody is right or wrong in this debate over the use of tw1nk but there is no winning for the people who want to change it we will always be identified as such. Using the word in the forums would not have prevented Adsense. In the title is a different story, but you know what I've seen plenty of ads on porn sites so I don't know how identifying as twinks with an alternate meaning to the true definition would prevent that. It's like searching cat videos or searching pussy videos if you have a straight edge mind they're both the same thing.

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