Should I buy the game?

If you have the money, and you think it would be fun, you should do it. Life is short, always do what you want to do.
The pros... You aren't a trial.

The cons... You have to pay a sub.

Seriously, if you enjoy the game and can afford it and want to experience more... go for it. If you don't, then don't.

It's a simple decision.
if you want to explore wow and enjoy 70 levels of content then buy it.

if you find f2p "enjoyable" buy a second account and p2p that. then if you no longer wish to pay for a sub, you'll always have f2p.
P2P is obviously nothing like F2P - seems like everything comes to you easy when playing P2P and i dont find it enjoyable at all. Everything is way to easy and you cant really enjoy anything like you do it on a F2P account. Getting a hierloom on a P2P will take like 2-4 hours of PvP/running dungeons - nothing compared to the hours of BG on a F2P - and you wont get the same feeling when doing stuff on a P2P account as you get when doing stuff on a F2P :)
Point is that it feels like F2P is ten times harder than P2P and you'll get 10 times more enjoyment from doing stuff on a F2P.
P2P is obviously nothing like F2P - seems like everything comes to you easy when playing P2P and i dont find it enjoyable at all. Everything is way to easy and you cant really enjoy anything like you do it on a F2P account. Getting a hierloom on a P2P will take like 2-4 hours of PvP/running dungeons - nothing compared to the hours of BG on a F2P - and you wont get the same feeling when doing stuff on a P2P account as you get when doing stuff on a F2P :)
Point is that it feels like F2P is ten times harder than P2P and you'll get 10 times more enjoyment from doing stuff on a F2P.

no where in what was said, mentioned playing 24s.
I definitely agree with Juno that if you have any effort invested into your F2P account, DON'T upgrade it, just get a brand new account. If you decide to stop paying you'll still have your F2P account. If you upgrade that account, however, it remains "P2P - Inactive" if you stop paying, it does not revert to F2P.
I definitely agree with Juno that if you have any effort invested into your F2P account, DON'T upgrade it, just get a brand new account. If you decide to stop paying you'll still have your F2P account. If you upgrade that account, however, it remains "P2P - Inactive" if you stop paying, it does not revert to F2P.

to elaborate on this, if you merge the 2 accounts and you farm title/mounts on the p2p. F2P account will gain those titles and mounts :)
As someone who pays for the game and has a f2p, I find myself playing my f2p a good deal longer than my p2p.

That being said, I think 21-90 is a very enjoyable experience, and you should at least give it all a try as it is quite fun up until you find out there's nothing to do, unless you can find good arena partners or a competent raiding guild, or unless you enjoy dailies.

Make a new account though, if you want to do p2p, as if you upgrade and level your f2p, there will be no going back.
I bought the game after playing trial for 9 months, and kept my trial account, which I still keep playing sometimes 'cause I love my chars.

The Pros of upgrading... you can group with friends without begging strangers to do it for you. You can actually talk to people. There's a lot more to do and see. You can use the Auction House, you can explore places without running for your life and dying all the time :). There are a lot of interesting things that you never get to experience as f2p. You don't get bored waiting for BG queues to pop after you've done just about everything you can. And flying is just spectacular :).

The Cons... it costs money. At 20 you know what to do, how to gear. After that, things get more complicated. Levelling can get incredibly boring. And questing is a lot less challenging than I'd hoped, which adds to the boring.

Very subjectively, I do enjoy the full account and still have an enormous lot to see and do, but I don't enjoy it that much more. I still prefer the 20-24 bracket. I created lvl 20s that stick to f2p rules because I want to be able to group and do full account stuff without having unfair advantages in BGs. F2P has it's own community, and I haven't found anything that comes close in the full game, despite guilds and all.
Getting the full retail experience has its benefits. The question is, are those benefits worth it? My advice is the same as several others'. If you want to buy the game, do it.
You can always cancel your sub. However, do not upgrade your trial account. Keep it as is in case you decide you'd rather play that way. This saves you having to reroll if you decide to step back down.
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I subbed for awhile; I ended up not liking endgame PvE. I probably should have geared for PvP, but I never expected raiding to be so inane, and that pretty much ruined the whole thing for me. Now I know why twinking became a thing; the gear treadmill is just silly. If I sub again, I'll probably try twinkling in a different bracket. 80s sound interesting.

Get mounts and titles, level cap is terribly boring without an active guild and people willing to run raids with you or doing arenas/rbg's. Raids can't be pugged unless you have ilvl 490+ and all bosses cleared, apparently. WoW sub isn't really something you, its more like an investment and the experience will really vary by the chances other people are willing to give.
everyone is suggesting end game is boring... gearing a 90 is like farming looms on F2P, it takes time and effort but raiding/pvping is worth it.

maybe some of you guys who subbed before should play some endgame arena.

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