I'm going to say it like this:
The reason why everything is 'more difficult' on a F2P account is because it's not meant to be anything more than a sample of the game. F2P account is like the little sausages you try when you go to a Supermarket and there's a booth trying to get you to buy something. Sure, you could stand there and chow down on little samples of the sausages, but you're not going to get the full experience of enjoying those sausages without purchasing them off the self, taking them home, and preparing a meal with them.
I know that there are plenty of you who are fed up with the game and will never admit that you're better off paying for the game, but it's a simple fact that anyone who pays for the game, even those people who turn their XP off @ 20 and restrict their toon to the same enchants and professions which are available to F2P players, are at a massive advantage when it comes to making their toon.
There is no scenario in this game where paying for something is worse than not paying for it, and it shows when you compare the average level 20 to a level 24. It's like that Gatorade commercial from years ago, 'Anything you can do, I can do better!' Because I pay to play the game.
So if you enjoy the process of making a gimped character, then stick with it - more power to you. But if you actually want to be able to enjoy playing the character you've spent time making, you have to pay to play the game.