Should I buy the game?

WoW sub isn't really something you, its more like an investment and the experience will really vary by the chances other people are willing to give.
That's like saying watching a movie on netflix is an investment....or that a timeshare is an investment.

They're entertainment expenses, pure and simple.

If it weren't for the free 10-day retries, I'd probably end up paying for a month about once a quarter...but as it stands, the free re-tries are enough to give me my p2p fix and it lets me do a few things i couldn't otherwise do on my f2p.
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The only reason to buy the game is if u got few friends or guild and you like troll ppl alot. Since 80% of random bgs at 90 full of bots it is not very enjoyable (unless ofc u roll in premade).

But there again if u link f2p and p2p accs u get mounts and pets. Plus there maybe be some kind of acc wide space for looms in future or such.
so sure buy game. just dont subscribe to it.
I think one of the pros for staying f2p is that you don't need to raise another 70 levels to reach end-game content, which is cool. AND it's for free!
everyone is suggesting end game is boring... gearing a 90 is like farming looms on F2P, it takes time and effort but raiding/pvping is worth it.

maybe some of you guys who subbed before should play some endgame arena.

That's quite the suggestion from somebody who can barely play a 24. Maybe you should spend some more time on endgame stuff.
If you never played WoW above level 20 you'll probably love all the convience items and seeing new content. I'm gonna go blind if I have to run Wailing Caverns again.
I think the pro's of being p2p are obvious. The biggest reason I prefer f2p is that there is no gear treadmill. Bis is Bis. If I stop playing for a year and come back, my Bis trials are still bis. If I stop playing my 90 for a year or even a few months, they are trash. To stay competive in p2p, you have to constantly run that treadmill. I just took a 6ish month break, and I was great to come back to characters that were still geared, not 2-3 tiers behind everyone else. That being said, if you have never had a p2p account, I recommend it.
F2p is kind of like that "nice farm upstate" for experienced players who got burned out on the real thing (that and a place for people who want free wow)
I'm going to say it like this:

The reason why everything is 'more difficult' on a F2P account is because it's not meant to be anything more than a sample of the game. F2P account is like the little sausages you try when you go to a Supermarket and there's a booth trying to get you to buy something. Sure, you could stand there and chow down on little samples of the sausages, but you're not going to get the full experience of enjoying those sausages without purchasing them off the self, taking them home, and preparing a meal with them.

I know that there are plenty of you who are fed up with the game and will never admit that you're better off paying for the game, but it's a simple fact that anyone who pays for the game, even those people who turn their XP off @ 20 and restrict their toon to the same enchants and professions which are available to F2P players, are at a massive advantage when it comes to making their toon.

There is no scenario in this game where paying for something is worse than not paying for it, and it shows when you compare the average level 20 to a level 24. It's like that Gatorade commercial from years ago, 'Anything you can do, I can do better!' Because I pay to play the game.

So if you enjoy the process of making a gimped character, then stick with it - more power to you. But if you actually want to be able to enjoy playing the character you've spent time making, you have to pay to play the game.
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I played for alot of years and never ever considered twinking. Twinks made me skip low level pvp.I started messing around with a trial account after I let my paid account lapse. I was amazed at the gear you could get on a trial account. I went back on a 10 day trial and made an xp locked 24 (or 3). It felt more like ganking/griefing than fun pvp. Killing a level 20 with a 24 alot less satisfying for me than killing a 24 on a level 20 toon. If you enjoy it, there is nothing wrong with that. Aint my cup of tea.
I would try it out if you have money. Having a job that makes enough buck that you don't have to worry about $15 a month is good.

Personally I didn't like p2p until i got to end game. I am having a lot of fun at 90 between arenas/rbgs/bgs and whatnot. Its a lot different than F2p though, but at least I don't have to deal with 24 spriests globaling me.

Plus its really fun having more abilities to use. Makes it alot less boring imo. I go back to f2p and it feels like down syndrome with all of 4 things to press.

EDIT: Just if u go p2p, play endgame or a bracket where f2ps arnt present. 24s are not needed.

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