The Arthritic Arch-Druid
Keep in mind that this isn't mainly a build focused on choosing the strongest choices for a healer. but choosing a reasonable way to do viable dmg as a hybrid Healer/Dps.
Azerite Armor Traits
Azeroth Armor traits are one of the main factors of making this Shock build work.
The build through the entire guide will be focused on making Holy Shock as strong and available as possible.
- [Helm of Abyssal Malevolence] - Vol'zith the whisperer - Shrine of The Storm
- [Overwhelming Power] or [On my way]
- [Azerite Fortification]
- [Skyscorcher Pauldrons] - Mogul Razdunk - The MOTHERLODE!!!
-[Unstable Flames]
- [Ashvane Warden's Cuirass] - Overseer Korgus - Tol Dagor
-[Unstable Flames]
- [Longstrider]
Stat Priority.
- Stack Crit to 15%+ (45% + crit on Holy Shock) > Haste > Versa
Versa is just a strong stat overall. Though its not necessary imo to stack it high, its a flat dmg/healing increase per point + dmg reduction off half of that.
lines well as an off-stat less prioritized than the other two, and is a good stat to prioritize on the side.
- lvl 15: [Crusader's Might] is the only dmg choice worth picking.
- lvl 30: [Cavalier] is my most favored talent as Shockadin... Since mobility is always a strong trait when dealing dmg. Though as a Healer I usually always play [Unbreakable Spirit], I still think [Cavalier] is strong for this kinda thing.
- lvl 45: [Devotion Aura] is my prefferred choice always.
- lvl 75: [Holy Avenger] for 30% haste. Holy Paladins stack well with Haste. More than ever after the changes to global cd.
- lvl 90: Personally I do not like using [Avenging Crusader], so early in BFA... Because it seems that it's an ability that scale better with gear, and will be stronger when I get more haste. (Will be updated.)
- lvl 100: I use [Divine Purpose]. Mainly because it is the only talent of this row, that actually affects your damage... And the proc rate is really decent with a build that focuses on making [Holy Shock] as available as possible.
Honor Talents.
My favorite choices:
- [Hallowed Ground] - Because [Concecration] is now on a 4 sec cd now in BFA. And will be nice vs for example Mages where you wanna hold freedoms to only necessary situations.(Due to Spellsteal ofc)
- [Blessed Hands] - Double sac, BoP, Freedom... Why would you not choose it? Mandatory most of the time, in my opinion.
- [Light's Grace] is my preffered choice because of the 30% holy light healing is just too sweet give up alot of the time tbh.
- Though if playing this in Arenas with a partner, [Ultimate Sacrifice] IS ALWAYS mandatory, as one of your most important support cooldowns. I often switch this with [Hallowed Ground] Due to it being the least important strong talent choice of the mentioned above.
OTHER HONOR TALENTS worth mentioning:
- Is [Avenging Light] worth it? - Personally, I don't think so, MOST of the time. I think the damage is too low, and the fact that it is only 10yd range, just limits the amount of situations where this talent is worth playing. Though, when fighting aggressive melee types it can be a reasonable choice. But I still think it is too weak, as for now. Though if it ever gets buffed, I imagine [Light's Grace] + [Avenging Light] lining up very well with eachother.
- [Cleanse The weak] - vs heavy dotcasters like Shadow Priest or Affliction Warlock I often choose cleanse the weak.(depending on what type of healer they have.) Because in those types of games being able to Dispel properly will win you the game. And the AoE effect from that talent can really mess their rotation.
- [Divine Favor] worth it? - Personally I don't ever see [Divine Favor] as a reasonable talent choice. Mainly due to the fact that any good player would purge/dispel/spellsteal etc. and render it a useless choice. Though it might feel safe to have a cd that makes you invulnerable to kicks, what you really should do, is practicing your faking/juking.
If you feel like there is anything I left out of this guide, that you would like to know or that you figured would be good to mention, leave a comment below! I'll be happy to answer as well as I can.