on DKs blizz did comment somewhere into wotlk that they listened to player inputs too much on the class and sorta admitted it was a mistake. wotlk beta was a closed beta, but when the wotlk PTR started people started in with DK's need this, that, etc, and changes/buffs along players with ret-pals did some extensive whining too about being tired of being lol-ret spec and got insane buffs. people on live servers who also played on wotlk PTR gave huge warnings 1-2 months prior to the wotlk prepatch. beggers out did the complainers and all of it went thru and it took patches and hotfixes over 6-12 months to bring those classes slightly down.
appears blizz history is repeating again, cause alot of players started qq'ing about monks feeling weak at low levels, have to wait to long to get certain spells, and of course blizzard is caving in again. monks at low level now have a fleet of movement/casting slows, gap closers, speed boosts. one of the gap closers actually sorta works like a DKs death grip...provoke.
monks are the new DKs from what i have seen
like this entire post makes no sense
wotlk beta was a closed beta
so was/is tbc and mop. so whats your point?
the wotlk PTR started people started in with DK's need this, that, etc, and changes/buffs
what? PTR didnt have dks. ptr isnt the same as beta. why would people on ptr be saying what dks need or dont need at level 70, when they arent even available?
and of course blizzard is caving in again. monks at low level now have a fleet of movement/casting slows, gap closers, speed boosts
what? what do you mean by "now? their abilities havent really changed much since beta was released.
and a "fleet" ?
this is what monks get at 19;
brewmaster(tank); 1 slow, 2 gap closers with 1 being a 35 second cd and they have to pick between an extra roll or a sprint
mistweaver(healer); no slows 1 gap closer and again they have to choose between sprint or a roll...
windwalker(dps); no slows, 2 gap closers and again they have to pick..
and monks dont have a single casting slow ability. but i guess 0 = a fleet now
also you probably dont even realize but roll isnt much of a gap closer.. you move in a straight line. same with flying tiger kick(windwalkers 2nd gap closer) they simply fly in a straight line for 40 yards or until canceled.
one of the gap closers actually sorta works like a DKs death grip...provoke.
thats their taunt: youre thinking of clash which will cause you and your target to charge at each other and you meet halfway. and only tanks get that so its whatever
u also might be forgetting that monks dont have any stuns, interrupts, heals(unless specd for it), cc(other than tank slow) an actual gap closer unless youre a tank, low armor, no cds like bubble and evasion and other abilities at 19. their offensive cds are their defensive cds(being able to roll/fly away etc)
but w/e man
the only thing thats over the top for monks at 19 is their retarded damage. they buffed monk damage because it sucked at 90 but i guess they didnt scale it down right.