Another one bites the dust

When attempting to control an infestation of alliance players in a warsong gulch, the trick is to be proactive, not reactive. Direct action must be taken to prevent their spread across the map an contain them in a smaller, more manageable area.

i feel your point, and if you would read it again, i didn't question the legitimacy of the strategy, i merely asked that you describe it with the name that is most commonly accepted to be given upon it, which is "graveyard farming." its abit like if i suddenly went out and instead of "fakecasting" said "purposeful interruption of my own spellcasting to force abilities". i'd just call it a "fakecast" <3
I'm not sure if I remember, but I think that game you guys weren't really camping us so it doesn't even matter. In general though there are many games with 5-6 WT who "contain" (farm) us for much longer than it actually takes to get 3 caps.

This tends to be due to alliance stealthers killing horde FC's as they run flags.
i feel your point, and if you would read it again, i didn't question the legitimacy of the strategy, i merely asked that you describe it with the name that is most commonly accepted to be given upon it, which is "graveyard farming." its abit like if i suddenly went out and instead of "fakecasting" said "purposeful interruption of my own spellcasting to force abilities". i'd just call it a "fakecast" <3

I see what you mean, but it's really a matter of intentions. Graveyard farming means purposely killing enemies within their graveyard, while I merely wish to contain them there. Of course, they attack me, so I am forced to defend myself.
I didn't ask you to congratulate anything. I merely wished to share this milestone in my twinking career with the twinking community that I love so much.

ahh now i get it, thanks for clarifying that. dont forget to let us know about any other mile stones we dont care about, ya know puberty stuff like that.
This tends to be due to alliance stealthers killing horde FC's as they run flags.

Not usually, in my experience, but I can see that happening occasionally. There's really no excuse though when Alliance's only rogues/feral druids are 800hp gnome rogues with green mohawks that can't get out of the graveyard.
Not usually, in my experience, but I can see that happening occasionally. There's really no excuse though when Alliance's only rogues/feral druids are 800hp gnome rogues with green mohawks that can't get out of the graveyard.

Pizza or a pug usually gets on carrying flags in a timely manner in totally one-sided games. When there are rogues like Sneaky or Furi, they often do kill pug FC's as they run flags across, which lengthens games.
I'm not sure if I remember, but I think that game you guys weren't really camping us so it doesn't even matter. In general though there are many games with 5-6 WT who "contain" (farm) us for much longer than it actually takes to get 3 caps.

Well, all Pizza does is run the flags from the start of the game, which takes about 6-7 min. Sometimes there's some teams that are capable of fighting back and keeping pressure in mid.

Anyways, I'm done having a constructive arguement about this topic. I almost forgot to congradulate Dorygon on his well deserved title!
Dorygoon I just wanted to say thanks for being such a respectable tinker...You are extremely deserving of the title "Dorygoon of the Horde. I know that most of the the TI members don't realize that in every game that you are in, you discourage other team mates from "gy farming" but that the peer pressure from other Waw Tawent members( especially curlx) ultimately forces you to participate. Anyway Gratz on your new title!
All the bads deserve to be farmed

Says the terrible rogue from wotk who all of a sudden became a "good tink" in cata because of the fact that cata takes ltierally 0 skill, like do you really think that shadowstep ambush evisterate scrollclick takes skill? lmfao
Well deserved title for a respectable Warlock.
Seems like most WT members are far from respectable. (having being blamed with heavy reason for placing the bracket in its most fragile state since the games release =/ and everything)

Das is a respectable twinker
Dory is a respectable twinker
Pizza are a respectable twinker

Did dory get his title respectably?
Did das get his title respectably?
Did Pizza get his title respectably?

Absolutely not.

Glad you guys are getting your achievements four years late at the entire bracket's expense. Priorities appear to be in-check.

Glad you guys are getting your achievements four years late at the entire bracket's expense. Priorities appear to be in-check.

"If you did not get your achievement months before the achievement system even went live, you are getting it late"
Better late than never I suppose.

well i think waw tawent owns the gulch u guy salways lose to them so stop bitchin and get a better team

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