Sharing of guides in Spanish


Hello everyone f2p lovers. My name is Cosmo advance and want to say I'm not as good at speaking English. (Well, then ... What are you doing here, little ?, might wonder) It's simple, I'm going to English classes and apart from improving some aspects of the game, I would help me improve the language, but that little or anything they care.

The reason I make this thread, is to see the possibility that it may raise guides in my native language: Spanish (That difficult and multicultural language). Now I want to share what little is, as it would also be of much help you share what they know, to make the most complete guides ... you know.

I am at your disposal.

Have a beautiful day. We're reading.

-----------------------EDIT: 21/02/25 at 1:10 p.m---------------

Since this is the first guide, here the green Zelda:
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Hello! Due to all the major changes the f2p community has been going through, not many guides have been made for this expansion pack. Hopefully after 6.1 comes out the guides will come out. I would recommend for you to start a poll, to see how many people vote for translated guides. It might be a bit difficult since there is not too many players that speak a native language as their primary.

Te recomiendo que les digas a tus amigos que digan lo mismo en este forum, porque con una sola persona no se va cumplir nada.
Pero bienvenido/a ! :)

You beat me to it, I was talking to the staff about that after talking to you :p
We need more people tho, it's gonna take some time and the more people we get, the faster it will be.

Me ganasteeeeee, lo demás ya te lo dije por mensaje haha
Yo creo que este fin de semana haré un nuevo tema para invitar a más gente a colaborar.
Creo que nunca lo dije pero, bienvenido! :D :D
Muchas gracias a todos por su apoyo, ahorita ando preparando en un blogspot una guía para hacer del tanqueo (En el pve, claro esta), algo muy rápido y divertido. Ya que yo se que no soy el único que le gustar estar en un calabozo por media hora.


Thank you very much for all your support, right now I'm preparing a blogspot a guide to the tanking (In pve, of course), very fast and fun. Since I know I am not the only one like you to be in a dungeon for half an hour.
Hello everyone f2p lovers. My name is Cosmo advance and want to say I'm not as good at speaking English. (Well, then ... What are you doing here, little ?, might wonder) It's simple, I'm going to English classes and apart from improving some aspects of the game, I would help me improve the language, but that little or anything they care.

The reason I make this thread, is to see the possibility that it may raise guides in my native language: Spanish (That difficult and multicultural language). Now I want to share what little is, as it would also be of much help you share what they know, to make the most complete guides ... you know.

I am at your disposal.

Have a beautiful day. We're reading.

Tried to show this site to the people on the f2p spanish community, the most said phrase was "lol it's in english, fuck that"

Good luck, if you need some help, feel free to add me, Rakkzul#2191, native spanish too, but not a jaja, Myst told me :D
Aye man, this might help me learn Spanish as well. I know the italian language and i am told that they are very similar as languages. So i guess it wont be a problem learning this as well!

this right, Don Lenny. Both Spanish and Italian are Romance languages, so even they have their differences are somewhat similar.Luck in studying the Spanish language!

Esta en lo cierto, Don Lenny. Tanto el español como el italiano, son lenguas romances, así que aun que tienen sus diferencias son un tanto parecidas. ¡Suerte en estudiar el idioma español!
Spanish is my prime language however you can just use Google translate to rerwrite your guides. Better yet get the hispanics to translate the current English guides themselves(dick move idkk). I suppose it can be challenging to translate some of the WoW slang but I'm pretty sure it will just be left alone in the translation process of it contains Caps as it will assume its a title of something or brand name.
You can always message a native speaker like Me(not on often) to make sure its clear.
yde did it

why are spanish so bad at english, dont they teach you guys english in school?

many ppl here from diferente countrys which dont speak english as their primary language, why make an exception for spanish? are they dumber then ppl from other countrys?
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yde did it

why are spanish so bad at english, dont they teach you guys english in school?

many ppl here from diferente countrys which dont speak english as their primary language, why make an exception for spanish? are they dumber then ppl from other countrys?

They do, it's just the spanish people who play on twink brackets are kiddos who doesn't give a f*** about anything (mostly)
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yde did it

why are spanish so bad at english, dont they teach you guys english in school?

many ppl here from diferente countrys which dont speak english as their primary language, why make an exception for spanish? are they dumber then ppl from other countrys?

They do teach english at school (at least in my country) but it's really just basic stuff. And as Rakkzul said it, most of them are somewhat young, so they couldn't care less.
As I see it is not about making an exception. Many people from different countries visit this site, yes, but most spanish speakers don't. Guides for them are not a proof of their "dumbness" but an attempt to make them, if not part of the community, at least self conscious of what they are playing/doing.
I don't think many people see the potential of this. Currently we do not have many spanish speakers on the site, ofc the guides aren't for people here ('cause 99% speak english). They would be for people out there, the ones that we always complain about. This effort would be for them, what's the point of telling them to go visit Twinkinfo if they won't understand a thing?
AND it's a voluntary thing aswell, as everything here. I wouldn't mind having guides in french or in german or in russian but if no one is willing to do them then that's not my fault (I, sadly, don't speak those languages). If you don't want to contribute, you don't have to, but don't block the road of a, possible, bright tomorrow.

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