im not blocking road, im all up for this, but if its kids who dont care, why make guides for them? any person who cares enough would use Google translate to understand the guides, the ppl u are talking dont visit this site and most of them dont even want to learn.
now we gonna start making guides in all languages? not good idea in my opnion, ppl should just learn english, unless this site implements, a option with various idioms. i dont see this sucefully happening.
if ur english is not very good, dont skip english classes, everytime u have doubt about some words use Google translater. thats wut i do.
they can be part of the community, just learn english like the rest of us, now we should change the community just cuz spanish players are 5year olds or dont want to learn english?
wut do u mean as basic stuff? colors? numbers? dates?
Hello, good evening. First of all, I'm Cosmo and is a pleasure to meet you. I hope not wrong, but you considered a bad idea to guides in all languages, that part is right, because the English as a global language is well known, not known by many. My idea is not to change and begin to change this site gradually Spanish (I hope not give that impression), was simply see the possibility that this site could have a few threads in Spanish, where people who know the language could speak their native language simply offer some content in your language. To avoid possible confusion with electronic translators, since it is well known that fail, even I in this copy and paste this to me risking my message I will mistranslated and so misunderstood by his side. Learning the English language is for some a bit complicated, and more with the poor system that my country has regarding the teaching of the language, some will understand something else, but maybe understand some words and try to understand the whole message that. That's why I decided to make this thread, not so much have the rigidity of the translator, so that people will be interested in this ad (and perhaps seeing that much of the information is in English, are encouraged to learn that language).
Thank you very much for reading this message. Warm greetings.
----------------------------In spanish xD------------------------(Copy&paste)
Hola, buenas noches. Antes que nada, soy Cosmo y es un gusto conocerlo. Espero y no me equivoque, pero usted considera una mala idea hacer guias en todos los lenguajes, eso en parte tiene razon, ya que el ingles como idioma universal es bien sabido, no es conocido por muchos. Mi idea no es cambiar y comenzar a cambiar este sitio poco a poco a español (Espero no dar esa impresion), era simplemente ver la posibilidad de que este sitio se pudiera tener unos cuantos hilos en idioma español, donde la gente que conoce ese idioma podria hablar en su idioma natal, simplemente, ofrecerles algo de contenido en su idioma. Para evitar posibles confusiones con traductores electronicos, ya que es bien sabido que fallan, hasta yo en este copy and paste me esto arriesgando a mi que me mensaje sera mal traducido y por eso mal entendido por su parte. Aprender el idioma ingles es para algunos un tanto complicado, y mas con el sistema pobre que mi pais posee en cuanto a la enseñanza de ese idioma, que algunos le entendemos es otra cosa, pero entendemos quizas algunas palabras y tratamos de entender todo el mensaje de esa forma. Es por eso que decidi hacer este hilo, para no tener tanta la rigidez del traductor, para que la gente le interese esta pagina (Y quizas al ver que gran parte de la informacion este en ingles, se anime a aprender ese idioma).
Muchas gracias por leer este mensaje. Saludos afectuosos.