What Classes/Specs are consider hipster in SL

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the hipster hipster has logged on.

I'll repeat, its about frequency of use, not the strength of the class. There are some remarkably strong specs that seem to get overlooked. The purpose of this thread, i assume, was to encourage some variety in specs/classes because it gets exhausting queing into 3 arc mage/3 mm/ 2 rdruid/2 rsham teams.

So you show off how other specs are incredibly viable. So sure, show off your aggro HPal damage (please! I love the idea of just brawling in mid with an hpal) but dont get all testy that people are showing up with big feral or surv or destro numbers. Of course they are. Those specs are killer! Which is weird that they arent played more and so its good to show off and hopefully get people considering their strength. Thats the whole point!

Y’all are comedy for acting like it’s common for reg S tier twinks to do 100k dmg. I barely see S tier twinks alone do 100k dmg in a BG and if they do, that player is pretty active and is mainly that toon. But y’all have the audacity to say 100k on a feral Druid has been known? Lmao! If you gonna talk shit about a thread and make critic on what class is hipster damage please back it up with evidence. Too many of y’all talk and give opinions. While the matter of the fact is this thread showcases with evidence the damage. If you don’t have a screenshot of you doing Big Wet Kitty DPS to back up your claim STFU and get off my thread tired of you hoes coming on here whining. Chops this ain’t towards you, but to that dumbass @rockworldofwarcraft
But imma sip my tea and let the people enjoy this thread since it’s getting a lot of traction lately :) glad I can make ppl rage ;)
Y’all are comedy for acting like it’s common for reg S tier twinks to do 100k dmg. I barely see S tier twinks alone do 100k dmg in a BG and if they do, that player is pretty active and is mainly that toon. But y’all have the audacity to say 100k on a feral Druid has been known? Lmao! If you gonna talk shit about a thread and make critic on what class is hipster damage please back it up with evidence. Too many of y’all talk and give opinions. While the matter of the fact is this thread showcases with evidence the damage. If you don’t have a screenshot of you doing Big Wet Kitty DPS to back up your claim STFU and get off my thread tired of you hoes coming on here whining. Chops this ain’t towards you, but to that dumbass @rockworldofwarcraft
But imma sip my tea and let the people enjoy this thread since it’s getting a lot of traction lately :) glad I can make ppl rage ;)

Did you even read what you typed? Back what up with evidence? Nobody claimed that you cant do 100k with feral... its not hard... PERIOD, you have AH bought purples (or maybe you actually killed kobolds, irrelevant) and full enchants... are you really that cocky/vain that you think its you pressing 5 buttons and strafing around that is doing 100k and not gear + time? And by your own admission it's rare... which just proves me more correct... gear + time = 100k +... not your mystery skills.

I can't replicate it because I don't have and will never have a boring ass glass cannon feral druid, which I'm sure in your rattle cage brain invalidates all my points... I can't fix stupid for you there, you are on your own.

Not sure why you choose to write in whatever stupid as **** vernacular that is, I guess that is what gets you 3 likes on these forums... maybe that is your true skill set.

Let me help your fragile ego out...


Now throw a keg or shock somebody and be actually impressive.
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Did you even read what you typed? Back what up with evidence? Nobody claimed that you cant do 100k with feral... its not hard... PERIOD, you have AH bought purples (or maybe you actually killed kobolds, irrelevant) and full enchants... are you really that cocky/vain that you think its you pressing 5 buttons and strafing around that is doing 100k and not gear + time? And by your own admission it's rare... which just proves me more correct... gear + time = 100k +... not your mystery skills.

I can't replicate it because I don't have and will never have a boring ass glass cannon feral druid, which I'm sure in your rattle cage brain invalidates all my points... I can't fix stupid for you there, you are on your own.

Not sure why you choose to write in whatever stupid as **** vernacular that is, I guess that is what gets you 3 likes on these forums... maybe that is your true skill set.

Let me help your fragile ego out...


Now throw a keg or shock somebody and be actually impressive.

My arms warriaro c:


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Is this with Saltwater? Also holy slept on spec...
oh yeah ofc, but I hit like 1k with no buffs against leather/clothies
either way 1k is 1k and that makes me happy seeing 4 numbers
n1 my feral brotha
lets duel someday :D
I never really duel ferals since they're far and few inbetween <3

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