What Classes/Specs are consider hipster in SL

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I just realized OP screenshot is taken on what looks to be a MacBook, and that's probably the most hipster thing in this entire thread.
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Is hpally hipster still or no :(






prob have more but I'm lazy also don't steal my binds kthx
Is hpally hipster still or no :(
prob have more but I'm lazy also don't steal my binds kthx

Nice to see good paladins on the bracket! I believe they are very viable, but suffer from not being lvl 29 (Rets lose the 2nd charge on Crusader Strike and Holy Paladin becomes very imobile w/o the Divine Steed).

Also, since Holy needs to grind the Slither-Scale set, the mog options become scarce unless you have a race with a Heritage set (it can be forced to mog on any type on armor, i believe).
I have done close to 200k on afflic it is meta breaking.

yea its got a nice toolkit, spamming fears on healers, dots on stealth, drain heal in a pinch, i was using the talent with the shadow bolt procs, kept moving alot to stay out of range, used fear alot to peel for healers or get melee off me, and when was free to stand and cast unloaded the unstables, then would move and dot and hope for procs, fear/heal if needed.
yea its got a nice toolkit, spamming fears on healers, dots on stealth, drain heal in a pinch, i was using the talent with the shadow bolt procs, kept moving alot to stay out of range, used fear alot to peel for healers or get melee off me, and when was free to stand and cast unloaded the unstables, then would move and dot and hope for procs, fear/heal if needed.
I switch from shadow bolt proc talent to drain soul they are both highly effective, I honestly just pad meters and fear for healers if needed.
I switch from shadow bolt proc talent to drain soul they are both highly effective, I honestly just pad meters and fear for healers if needed.
i thought a while about drain soul but i am healer at heart, when i play moonkin i heal more then i dps cause i cant let a health bar not be topped off, the drain health is really tanky absorbs some good enemy dmg, i figure i got my arcane to pad meters, trying to play warlock more for utility, mix it up a bit
Warlocks (especially Affli) doesn't seem to be a priority target and can hold themselves pretty well with Drainlife.

How good does that make to snipe Healers, considering that you should be left free to cast lots of DoTs?
How good does that make Deathbolt to snipe Healers, considering that you should be left free to cast lots of DoTs?

its probably good, never tried it, i like the randon rng of the bolt proc, having to wait 30 sec for cd is too much planning for me,
[doublepost=1592402098,1592401724][/doublepost]seemed worth it more to time the fear to cut the healer off, than to try and kill them, just hit them with proc bolts and unstables/apply dots, drain them if ur getting hit
Warlocks (especially Affli) doesn't seem to be a priority target and can hold themselves pretty well with Drainlife.

How good does that make to snipe Healers, considering that you should be left free to cast lots of DoTs?
Does not do enough damage to be worth it, imo it is better to leave the UAs for full duration than use deathbolt, waste of a talent slot imo.
Does not do enough damage to be worth it, imo it is better to leave the UAs for full duration than use deathbolt, waste of a talent slot imo.

Yeah deathbolt has always been underwhelming. I use drain soul since I feel channeling as a warlock is less likely to catch an interrupt.
Yeah deathbolt has always been underwhelming.

Just for giggles I tried out deathbolt this afternoon in a duel. Corruption, Agony and 3x Unstable Afflictions ticking away and it barely does more damage than a shadow bolt...

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