Shadowfang information from gm

well i was talking to a gm about twink stuff and they did mentino that they are trying to keep twinks away and they olny put xp turn offs in for twinks cause we faught, if u want to fight for something then do it cause bliz is listining, sorry for bad spelling its like 530 in morning. anyways...

i got confirmation for anyone who ever wants to farm a Shadowfang or is farming one, here is some information that the gm said, i SS'ed it XD

heres the wohead link

Click it to find out what it drops from, kinda useless information but still its helpfull to findout u dont olny have to kill level 21+mobbs xD just clear it all again!
You didn't know about wowhead untill the GM told you?

Anyways, pretty common to search for the mobs before you go for a random BoE. Nothing the community here couldn't have told you.
This thread seems totally pointless, everyone has already searched for the mobs that drop it...
Since you guys can't seem to understand this, I'll try to summarize it for you. The GM is basically saying that Shadowfang and AB don't only drop off of the bosses, but in fact off of all the monsters in SFK (just like the rest of the boe blues in that instance).
The problem is that if this were true you would think at least one person would get a legit screenshot of looting a shadowfang off a lower mob.
Fortunate said:
The problem is that if this were true you would think at least one person would get a legit screenshot of looting a shadowfang off a lower mob.

Well you could still get it from a Rare spawn mob

And I wouldn't be surprised if it dropped in starting questing zone with Blizz these days lol
So all the GM actually told you was that wowhead says SF drops off these mobs... they didn't actually tell you what mobs it drops off.

Why did we need to know this?
Fortunate is right, there are ss's of the shadowfang dropping off of bosses but not normal mobs and i assure you there would be one if it actually happened since theres so many more normal mobs.
Cliche said:
Fortunate is right, there are ss's of the shadowfang dropping off of bosses but not normal mobs and i assure you there would be one if it actually happened since theres so many more normal mobs.

Or, nobody actually does full clears anymore because they assume it only drops off the bosses since thats what all the thottbot information has led people to believe.

A good exsame of this is the ruby shades, people say on thottbot that they have been removed from the game, they havent, they just have a bad respawn time in the vendor. I got one last weekend.

Maybe if people stopped believing that they drop just from the bosses, people would run the entire instance and actually have a screenshot to post.
And Thottbot is fail anyways.

Either Wowhead or Wow.Allakhazam or how ever you spell it [= lol

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