Selling the 2 last arena master titles, to be left @ 70

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Cyber why u lick his arse, ???? like seriosuly u get bitched slapped by him u ask his premition to do stuff lol grow some balls you pussy

Settle down, Chop chop ( remark for fat people ) u dont seem to understand that me and Cyber is in a 16 years old pathetic virgin, go order another pizza i know you got dominos on speed-dial
lol and emil u know i dont backpedal so why even say it, and yh im probs not best player, and dont bind a few moves, Oh noes, but at least im a nice guy lol ur a cunt with no Irl, u spend all day on pixels, grow up, u have sparkily and cyber licking ur ass, like dogs and for some 1 who claims Rank 1 lol well 2 on the board now, why u have to Win trade every bracked you play??? you call rompa shit and he beat u in 3v3 lol
dont backpedal u crazy, there is a reason we had 50% winratio and couldnt break 2k with you.....replaced u with Rupture 100% winratio to r1.....
once again, lol im not 16 so good 1 get ur facts right, 2nd im not fat lol so these remarks are poor, and im pathetic, you win trade you R2 druid up lol cuz u cant even do it urself, u win trade every bracket and u call yourself pro, no 1 even likes you, if rather B a shit player but a nice guy lol, ur pathetic dude, u sit on ur computer all day , never take a break or do anything at least i socialize
didnt break 2k? u do realise me Rupture and the ret we played with got 2409 with 100% winratio right?
Where is this pointless flaming ending, we're still 3k rated and u can't change anything. ps 1 spot left, 50k gold. Got a buyer already
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