Selling Mythic ABT Carries for Twinks. / Freehold farming for boosting.

Yes tomorrow night 3/5 @ 7 PM western standard time. Doing leather run then a plate run with my guild who are 400+ and will trade loot to the twinks. I am also going to be upping the cost per run since the amount of you blowing me up for carrys is beyond the amount I can take. each run from now on is going to cost 25k. GOLD ONLY. I am all cashed out on pets :/
Yes tomorrow night 3/5 @ 7 PM western standard time. Doing leather run then a plate run with my guild who are 400+ and will trade loot to the twinks. I am also going to be upping the cost per run since the amount of you blowing me up for carrys is beyond the amount I can take. each run from now on is going to cost 25k. GOLD ONLY. I am all cashed out on pets :/

Will you take gold on Tichondrius?
I tried to send you in game mail but from Illidan it says that I cant send it to you. Please add me ewtaylo#1836. I am a DH 110 twink that is looking for fel and shadow relics and some BIS tier gear.

@7PM California time. US Horde.

Doing a leather run with the help of my guild and carrying DH / Other leather twinks through Mythic ABT for 25k gold Anub’arak, Chromaggus, Crushridge, Garithos, Nathrezim, and Smolderthorn, Illdian, KJ, Moonguard, and Zul'Jin. Message me tomorrow and we can get you through. Easy runs always kill argus. Always trade gear to twinks paying for the carrying.
I would be very interested in a mythic ABT run, IExplodeLike#1966 I'm alliance on proudmoore though. Are you horde only ?
US Horde only.

Doing a run tonight PST me in-game or Friendlist if you like to come. 25k a run.
Hey, if you have room in the near future for a leather run, let me know. My btag is Crimsondruid#1682. I mainly have gold on Illidan but can move pets around to get gold on any server.

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