Doing a run tonight. Plate / Leather. I am willing to accept gold on ANY server now.Add my account OR Send me in-game mail if you like to have your twink carried 5/9/2019. Its 25k a full run and loot is traded to Twinks paying for the run from myself and my guild. PuGs I grab usually keep gear for xmog but will get removed if they dont trade high titanforges to twinks.
Can you add Talisman#1328 please? Very interested in buying multiple runs.
5/14/2019 Doing runs tonight. Let me know if you like to come!
5/14/2019 Doing runs tonight. Let me know if you like to come!
I host weekly Mythic ABT clears "minus Eonar" for around 25k per run. I run it on my Blood DK Main 410+ for a plate main group for better drops for Twinks as well as my Monk 410+ for a leather group hosted either before or after. If you have a Horde twink you are trying to level I also trade my relics,rings,trinkets,mogs to the carry paying for the run. Let me know if you interested here or send in-game mail to my toon.
Also sell leveling services 110-120 in Freehold with my 111 DH twink. The eyebeam spam works wonders and I have fully leveled a toon from 110-120 this way and took around 2-3 hours. Have the route down to do 6 runs in an hour and get 1-2 levels in those hours including lots of green BoEs, Mats, and spare Gold! PST in-game mail or here for more info.
I think this guy is horde - For those who are Alliance:
Alliance get free mythic carries, we do it 3-4 times a week after reset. One shot runs. PM for the link to join the 110 Alliance community guys!
Any way I can get an invite? Battle tag is DeadlyFeet#1124776I think this guy is horde - For those who are Alliance:
Alliance get free mythic carries, we do it 3-4 times a week after reset. One shot runs. PM for the link to join the 110 Alliance community guys!
What server are you on? I have a 110 horde dhYeah I will be doing a run tonight 5/28/2019.
Add me: IKMongo#1377 and message me to reserve your spot!