Selling Entire Collection! 2000+ items!

I'm still looking to sell the collection. Had a deal but it appears to be dead now. Let me know if you're interested by PM. I would entertain the idea of splitting the collection up. Been picking up items here and there too (a couple perf. wranglers, AB, and some others). Thanks!

1 unbound PoD interesting?
Inkobah said:
Selling Everything! 2000+ items and more!

I've been thinking about moving on from twinking and am interested in selling my complete twink gear collection. I have between 2000-3000 twink items (19s-49s) spread across 4 servers (Lightninghoof, Stonemaul, Medivh, and Jaedenar - all US). The items I have range from uncommon (Scropashi Wristguards, etc.) to Ultra Rare (PoD and Stam Lenses) items. I will try to itemize my items and edit later so you can see some of what I have. Though I'd be happy to meet you in-game to show you personally what I have in my many Gbanks.

I'm looking for serious offers. Please don't waste both yours and my time with ridiculous offers. This is one of the better collections you will find anywhere (probably not THE best though) so it's going to take a pretty good offer to get me to part with it. If I receive no good offers I'll just sit on it all. I am not interested in selling individual items but want to sell the entire collection to one buyer. I'll even throw in a few other useful things to the buyer as a bonus (like they do on infomercials!).

If you have a serious offer or any questions please send me a PM. I will not respond to your questions or offers posted in this thread nor in-game. Thanks for looking.

Edit: You can also chat with me on the Lightninghoof IRC channel (I'll be hopping in and out the next few days) at: Untitled Document. Make sure you set a nickname or you will be booted.

Edit2: It will be a very time consuming thing to inventory and post everything so I'm going to attempt to highlight some of the items I think people are after and if you want to see everything just ask me. So here goes:

-PoD x2 (one unbound)

-Stam Lens x2


-AB x2

-Many Ribbys of all flavors

-Wranglers - lots of variations both perf and imp

-Scouting Gloves of the Falcon x many

-Manslayer x many

-Silvershell x many

-Joonho's Mercy x a couple

-Slaghammer x many

-Pathfinders of all flavors

-Formal Dangui

-TBJ x many

-SoJ x many

-UWB x many

-Glowing Brightwood x many

-Eye of Flame x many

-Soulcatchers x many

-Chan's x many

-Papal Fez

-Quillward x a couple

-Basilisk Legs x many

-LotV x many

-Necro Legs x many

-Meadow Rings x many

-First Mate Hat x many

-Aquamarine Signets x many perfs of all variations

-Mindseye Circle x a couple

-Troll's Protector x many

-Feathered Arrow x a couple stacks

-Mantle of Thieves x a couple


-Crested Scepter

-Plains Ring x a couple

-Lots of every other epic between 35 and 49

-Lots of other items


Sir what server are most of your 19 items on? I maybe willing to work something out if you have a couple select pieces + the 19 lot.
Wuv123 said:
Sir what server are most of your 19 items on? I maybe willing to work something out if you have a couple select pieces + the 19 lot.

They're spread across 4 servers. Most are on Lightninghoof and Medivh though.

ohsosinful said:
PM sent.


Ohso, I never received a PM from you. Just letting you know so you don't wonder why I never responded.

I have responded to all other PMs.

I've tried many times to PM you as well, but the messages never seem to send. Any more reliable way to contact you other than in game?
tabuyaqona said:
I've tried many times to PM you as well, but the messages never seem to send. Any more reliable way to contact you other than in game?

I got a message from you Tab a few days back. I responded but it sounds like you never got it. When I can I'll camp in my server IRC channel. You can look for me there: Untitled Document

Evidently I'm not the only person having PM issues. I believe Drayner is looking into them. For the time being you can find me on Lightninghoof's IRC channel (when I'm at a PC). If you don't have an IRC client go to: Lightninghoof IRC Channel, enter a nickname and press the button to enter.

Stabbedurazz said:
ink no offence but being an ass to ur customers wont sell your "collection". stfu and stop acting like ur awsome over the internet... its just fail


Strydar said:


Thanks for the bump sir. Sure it was on a 2 month+ old ridiculous comment made by someone that claimed to know me but had never talked w/ me, but hey I'm glad to get the bump. Cheers to you other person that I don't know!

I would like to buy an assasins blade im on the server azgalor us and i play ally my name is niteblaid
heres another bump: no one in their right mind would buy the collection as is. way too much more additional time and money (in game and irl) to sort out the stuff from different brackets and ship it to different battlegroups. some of the stuff is really nice like PoD - btw nobody cares you have a bound one unless the toon is 39 - etc, but other like silvershells suck now. you should redo your list to have only quality items for recent patches. if you really want to move gear and get over your twinking days then your only option would be to sell individually or at least by bracket. the odds of somebody having enough gold (or crazy enough to spend tons of cash) for a collection is slim to none. for the amount of gold this is worth somebody would have to xfer like 10 80s to you and then xfer them back if they wanted to play on their original servers again. this whole thing just seems so insane. but hey, gl holding out for that one in a million buyer.
Thanks for the bump Falkor. It's a good thing there's several crazy people out there.

P.S. I've always wondered what your avatar is supposed to be. No offense, but it's slightly pedo-ish looking though I'm sure that's not your intent. What is it supposed to be?


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